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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I'll tell you why you thought HAHA Gator started this. He is always on the wrong side of things. I think the last time he was right was when he chose "tails" on the coin flip for the consolation game in his pee wee league. He still picked defense first and gave "Little Al Bundy" the wind. The rest is history.
  2. Chef Jim (aka BigMcDouche) deserves theshit for the initial confusion. I gave you the finger because you blindly went along with him. mlm, again. If you think this is anything but light banter you are wrong. In addition, don't ever apologize here again.
  3. As the OP I say so far, so good. On another note, I'll be having words with you on the confusion, Big McDouche. mlm
  4. Yes, he's dedicated to small ball and small ball only. At least in the past he would once in awhile hit one out of the park instead of this constant bunting. He's a shell of his former self.
  5. So, a week ago Trump threatens tariffs if Mexico doesn't control the armies of migrants coming to our southern border and job numbers were down in May because of it? Do Have you ever, just once in your life thought things through before posting something here?
  6. Looks like Beto is pretending to be a TSA employee and is checking Mayor Pete's "baggage".
  7. He's had other monikers here such as Gleeful Gator and HAHA Gator related to his old screen name "gatorman" and his admitted glee and laughter about the Benghazi deaths. He first tried to justify that laughter but then when that didn't fly here, he denied it. While "TOC" is an apt description of him it doesn't remind us of his unpatriotic and inhumane actions.
  8. I started a thread on this some time back. The point wasn't that there was anything wrong with it but that it was widespread, and for what reason?
  9. You are such a dumbass that even when your dumbassery is pointed out to you, you don't see it and have no intellectual curiosity to figure it out.
  10. Looks like Trump saved the country from drought and now you dems are sick of winning.
  11. Line his own "profits"? I'd lamb baste you for that but I don't want to hurt your self of steam.
  12. I'm all for the ruling, but it is bittersweet. Taxpayers are the ones making the payment while it appears there is no penalty for the actual IRS perpetrators.
  13. I'll debate/discuss with anyone here who has something to actually say. You've got nothing. ***** off.
  14. Ah, but you didn't read my whole OP then. If I had a hammer I'd use that to repair my boat, but since I have no hammer I'm going to substitute for the hammer with a pipe wrench. I might bend some nails along the way but I need to fix the boat. It's that important.
  15. So, in other words you are for open borders and no respect for our sovereignty? If so, that is idiotic.
  16. We must ask ourselves what our priorities are. Surely having illegal immigrants flood our borders needs to be an important priority to stop.
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