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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. C'mon Alf, all you are doing is repeating unsubstantiated horseshit. Trump did not order Fox News to fire Griffin. Griffin can stand by the credibility of her sources all she wants. If they choose to remain anonymous then their statements are worthless. All Griffin claimed was something Trump allegedly said about military personnel in the Vietnam War. She did not even attempt to back up the ridiculous charges that every news outlet (including Fox) have had on a ***** loop for the last few days. Your post above is as worthy as a typical BillSlime post. You're better than that, I think.
  2. I would say that falls right in line with the civil suit we've been working on. Can we combine the two?
  3. From a social media site. It's been stated here before but never any better than this: “To everyone anticipating a possible civil war from all sides, let me give you a little bit of advice. Many of us served and fought in wars. When our time was done, we came back to the USA to start over and live in peace. It wasn’t us who kneeled on the neck of a man until he died. It wasn’t us to retaliate by kneeling on the neck of a toddler saying “BLM NOW mf.” You see, War is hell. Millions of you do not quite grasp this concept. We have been to hell, lived in hell, climbed out of hell, and don’t want to go back to hell. If you keep trampling on the peace we fought for, earned and love, then when that first shot gets fired, you will force us back to hell; and we will show you the brutal realities of hell. Y’all better work this ***** out before we do, because I guarantee you are not ready for this. The silent majority has a voice that will deafen the masses....
  4. There aren't enough parking spaces for cars in the cities thus limiting the places where the new occupants canshiton.
  5. Biden might do ok if we got into another spat with Grenada. As far as standing on the stage with world leaders he's badly lacking. He'd be like Barney Fife going toe to toe with Dolph Lundgren. Biden has very little mental acuity but just as bad he has no long term philosophy or moral compass to fall back on. In the 90's he championed a bill that incarcerated blacks at a much higher rate and a much longer duration because they chose to break the law in a slightly different way than whites. He openly celebrated this along with his past KKK connections and disdain for people of color. He now wants to defund or "reallocate" funds for law and order in our country and had to finally reject the violence, looting and arson by mobs only because the polls told him he needed to. He still won't call a spade a spade by denouncing the domestic terrorist group BLM and the international terrorist group Antifa. Think about this: he doesn't have the balls to stand up and reject their terrorism because they form a good share of his party. He is afraid of scum who spend their time beating up elderly people, burning down pizza shops and looting Macy's in order to get their "reparations". How could he ever stand up to Putin and Xi? Let's say we were to have another crisis similar to The Cuban Missile Crises? For those of you not intimately familiar with it JFK stood firm against Kruschev and made him turn his ships around rather than install nuclear tipped missiles 90 miles from our shore. It was as close to a war between two nuclear powers as it gets. Fast forward to today. Does anyone want Biden standing up to any crises that might occur? Joe and his boss have already shown how they handle foreign policy by giving the world's foremost terrorist state 1.8 billion in cash and a 150 billion release of funds. Even more perplexing, they gave Iran a path to nuclear arms. Joe Biden is nothing more than a figurehead who would ostensibly preside over an executive branch being pulled in all directions by the likes of a 30 year old former bartender, an elderly communist, two Californian women, one who thinks she's a Queen and the other that flips her wig and encourages people to harass their political opponents at restaurants and or gas stations. Oh, and a committee chairman who worries that Guam might tip over. These are the people that will be setting policy for Joe to implement.
  6. She could be your wife's single sister too.
  7. What Trump is accused of saying is just not in character with Trump's actions and other words regarding the military.
  8. Maybe you could hook her up with BuffalHokie13 who needs a date. What a date consists of you'll have to work out with him.
  9. It's a hyped up rehash of a two year old hoax designed to bash Trump.
  10. Whatever it is it seems to be less than stellar.
  11. Yes, this hoax was brought up 2 years ago and was disproved. It is just being recycled because the Left is running out of imagination. Quit CRUSADING, you already had one thread banned for this horseshit. All "sources" are anonymous, ie. not worthashit.
  12. The only thing I can think of is that Jill really, really has her heart set on becoming a First Lady. It's wrong but why in hell else would she consent to putting him through all of this in his condition?
  13. Did you hear that you were being talked about in one of the other threads? Don't get all hyped, you were considered part of a group that is bringing down PPP. Your response above is a big reason why.
  14. Looking at the entire body of DR's work he did little more than squish a bug that really didn't belong inside the house.
  15. One would think that you have no scarcity of people calling you a moron so I don't see the issue.
  16. Read back what I posted in response to your posts and you might begin to see the light. Notice that I haven't called you a name based on my respect for morons.
  17. What, because I post pictures of the South Side Training Camp in Chicago?
  18. Thus I stated that many states have it. Your post was full of generalities but then you fall back on Wisconsin law?
  19. Of course. All of those good numbers are the results of the yeoman's work done by the U-Haul Salesman of the Month and part-time Mayor De Blasio.
  20. Don't encourage him.
  21. Something to ponder: Joe Biden provides the softball questions for "journalists" to ask him. Joe does ok answering them off the teleprompter. Kaleigh McEnany takes any and all questions without having any prior knowledge of what they might be. She has a notebook full of answers prepared in advance because she can anticipate the gotcha questions that may be asked of her. Her answers are far superior to Biden's answers and show a much better understanding of the issues. Kaleigh is far from being qualified to be our president. Joe can't carry her lunchbox. So why does anyone think Biden should be running for president?
  22. Well, at least organize them:
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