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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Dear Stormy: Thank you so much for the court-ordered check I just received from you. I appreciate your promptness. Sincerely, Donald J. Trump
  2. It's the issue that they want. They won't work for a comprehensive solution as long as they can blame no solution for the Dreamers on the right. In other words, they don't giveashit about the Dreamers, just what the issue can do for them.
  3. Fundamentalists aren't calling for the end of the world and never have.
  4. Yes, I asked if using tariffs was a good tool. That was to promote discussion. I am of the opinion that we had/have a crisis at the border, a real emergency. Our do-nothing congress is doing what they do best---nothing. Trump had/has limited tools. While tariffs may not be the best tool, it was all he had left in his toolbox. What would you have done?
  5. Illegal immigration is at the heart of the matter. We have a crisis at the border and Mexico was facilitating it, not trying to alleviate it. Someone had to do something. Our do-nothing Congress refused to help due to political reasons. Again, someone had to do something and Trump used whatever he had to try to live up to his sworn duty. I guess DC just can't fathom a president that does things.
  6. I guess I could have worded that a little differently. Many of the illegal aliens brazenly crossed the border too.
  7. What's the difference between 500 and 6000? Isn't there also a difference between acting on an agreement and not acting on an agreement? The dems have made every attempt possible to thwart Trump's pledge to secure the border. It's personal with them and they are putting their petty ***** desire to "get" Trump ahead of any duty to our country. Trump is doing whatever he can to fulfill his sworn duty. We had 144,000 illegal aliens sneak across our border in May and you want him to imitate Nero.
  8. Coincidentally just enough to get him shipped out of theater.
  9. The democrats are replacing the electoral college (AOC's alma mater) with Twitter followers. They figure that they're bound to win any election, what with the amount of twits they have in their party.
  10. You are harder to get through to than a rock. How many times do you have to be told that the Russians goal was to disrupt the election and throw whatever result in doubt? Their goal was discord.
  11. He's reaching for a cigarette but doesn't even smoke. Who cares about shoelaces and such?
  12. I was wrong about it being sunk in WW2. It came after that: https://www.navysite.de/ssbn/ssbn601.htm USS ROBERT E. LEE was the fourth GEORGE WASHINGTON - class nuclear-powered fleet ballistic missile submarine and the first ship in the Navy to bear the name. The ROBERT E. LEE was built using components initially assembled for a SKIPJACK - class nuclear attack submarine. In the early 1980s, the ROBERT E. LEE was redesignated as SSN 601 and her missile launch capability was disabled to comply with the SALT I treaty. The ROBERT E. LEE mainly conducted training exercises in her new role before she was decommissioned on December 1, 1983. The submarine spent the following years berthed at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard awaiting her turn in the Navy's Nuclear Powered Ship and Submarine Recycling Program. Recycling of the ROBERT E. LEE was finished on September 30, 1991.
  13. I guess he's *****. Nobody left to pee on beds for him nor attend his rallies.
  14. I'm having a little trouble with that math and I don't think that it is just a rounding error.
  15. I despise Presidents who lie, think there's 57 states, Hawaii is in Asia and don't know enough about our troops to call them corpse men. I have no time for committee chair people who encourage violence and make up evidence. Who thinks anyone who questions whether or not Guam might tip over if we add troops should have any responsible position in our government? This is just the tip of the iceberg. The Left is not what it used to be and they have gotten to the point that they no longer have any connection to our founder's ideals.
  16. Oh hell, we had a submarine that was sunk in WW2 called the Robert E. Lee. I'll get upset when they name the first stealth aircraft carrier the "Osama bin Laden".
  17. It's usually the cool black guy with the dorkish white guy.
  18. Moby Dick? Goldfinger? Stand Tall? Pretty in Pink?
  19. On the one side we have people like Mark Levin, Victor Davis Hanson, Nikky Haley and Laura Ingraham while you guys have Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, DWS, Barack Obama, Adam Schiff and AOC. It's hardly fair.
  20. She went on to say that "although we didn't always agree on everything we loved him like a close personal aide and lawyer".
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