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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. It's simple, anyone on the 9th Circuit not put there by Trump.
  2. Nice answer to PPP's resident idiot. Don't be so sure on the Russian hacking part though. At the speed that the information was downloaded it is highly unlikely that it was done in any way other than a direct connection.
  3. What's amazing (not really) that you don't see the disconnect between most of those jobs and the unskilled hordes of people illegally invading our country.
  4. But this is what you responded to another poster above: "Russia did break the law. Try and get informed, please" Why don't you follow your own advice?
  5. That doesn't answer the question though. Try again.
  6. Which law? Please tell us specifically which law the Russians broke. I bet you can't do it.
  7. Give him a lopadichtomy and send him the bill.
  8. What could John Dean contribute to the conversation? I don't think you'd see any speeches by the committee members if someone that could actually contribute to anything was giving testimony.
  9. There's nothing saying you can't speed up the transitioning process. One would think that would be a pretty good defense.
  10. You dumbass. That has nothing to do with committing crimes but everything to do with convictions. Try again.
  11. I'm going to pop the cork screw off the cap on a bottle of Boones Farm and watch this groovyshit. Fvcking A, man.
  12. It's a typo. They hit the "d" key by mistake. Not sure which key that is next to "d" they meant to hit though.
  13. No, you are the one that is taking every whack job and calling them a fundamentalist.
  14. No but every whack job is not a fundamentalist. Careful now.
  15. He doesn't know what a "fundamentalist" is. He thinks James Jones or Reverend Moon were fundamentalists.
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