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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I don't know if I can simplify a response enough for you but I'll try. Foreign policy needs a steady and resolute hand. You don't draw red lines in the sand and then not follow through. We are fortunate to be big and powerful enough that we have other options than just going to war with a country like Iran. Our energy reserves allow us to be independent in a way that most other countries cannot. That along with our large markets allow us to use sanctions and convince others to go along with them. Iran has no other choice than to eventually bend to our will. They can try going to war with us but we know how that would work out. This nonsense of using their proxys to attack shipping, etc. needs to be dealt with in a swift and crushing way. They need to know that if they attack a tanker again they're going to lose a refinery or more.
  2. How would she know that? There's no way she would associate with someone like Bob who is not up to her intellectual standards.
  3. Often. Like many in the ME subtlety doesn't work very well. They respect strength if they feel you have the balls to use it. Our tepid foreign policy over the last few decades casts doubt on our determination in dealing with them. They need to be convinced.
  4. My gut feeling is it's getting time to get very tough with Iran.
  5. Or intentionally bland in order to hide methods.
  6. "Ripping babies from the arms of their mother"? Oh, the irony. I guess it's preferable to rip them from the mother's womb, eh?
  7. How would you know that Bob has genital warts?
  8. No, you disingenuous ****head, you're conflating both having "dirt" given to a campaign and a foreign government trying to interfere with an election. There was no reason to report the Trump Tower meeting to the FBI because the Russian contingent didn't attempt to do anything illegal. They had nothing on Clinton and only wanted to talk about the Magnitsky Act and the moratorium on adoptions. When Don Jr. realized this he left the meeting. This has been known for a year or two and has been explained to you many times. Are you just too ***** dumb to understand that or just don't care?
  9. Hey Nancy, why not take up a bill to fund border security and funding for more facilities to house the people who are crossing the border because of the other ***** laws you won't pass. Do something for the good of the country not for you and your ilk's power, you CU Next Tuesday.
  10. This reminds me of a Carly Simon song titled (I think) "The World Turned Upside Down". For anyone to think that Iran is the good guy here, they're crazy. Iran is being taken to task because of their misdeeds and promotion of terrorism, in addition to their nuclear program. Iran is pushing the envelope right now and they need to see that we will make them pay.
  11. One of the comments: Matthew Newgarden‏ @newgar 22h22 hours ago Replying to @DavidRutz If Elizabeth Warren were being intellectually honest about her proposal to cancel student debt she would name it "The Burdening of People who didn't go to College with the Debt of those who did Act".
  12. Did the Clintons teach the Obamas to steal the WH cutlery too?
  13. Ah, DR has popped his head up for a minute. You're supposed to be concentrating on Mai Tai's and breasts.
  14. Give poor Joe some credit. After all he was part of the squeaky clean administration that reduced healthcare costs by $2500 per person per year, let you keep your doctor and halted the rise of the oceans. Evil Mitt Romney gave a woman cancer and now Joe is going to cure her of it.
  15. I'm glad you are coming around and agreeing that natural gas is green energy. It's what allowed us to lead the world in reducing carbon emissions.
  16. So, they have a lap dog? Does it also howl at the moon and piss on the petunias?
  17. The libs are all about keeping "issues" alive rather than solving problems.
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