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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Linked below is the kind of nonsense the Mullahs feed to their people. Do they think they can fool them with this crap? They are most certainly behind the attacks in the Gulf of Oman and elsewhere. Who thinks that they have any possibility of getting sanctions lifted by any other action than ditching their nuclear programs? Let's discuss. https://www.jns.org/tehran-quds-day-billboard-shows-destroyed-american-israeli-ships-reads-we-drowned-them-all/
  2. I heard he left with an escort but don't know that for sure. He caught a lot of grief and his feet were held to the fire when he ventured down to PPP.
  3. That's only part of the story. Overall revenues are up because of increased income taxes. Hmmmn, cut the corporate tax rates and individual tax rates and revenue goes up? What a novel idea.
  4. Betting on an inside straight is usually a dagger to the heart.
  5. Biden is going to cure cancer and Warren has promised to cure smallpox. That's smalltime. Kamala has promised to outdo Madonna if you vote for her: https://www.thewrap.com/madonna-oral-sex-hillary-clinton-votes/
  6. That video was taken at night, you Highest Knight of The Dumbshit order.
  7. All you do is twist things and lie. Trump has treated Russia much more harshly than any of his recent predecessors.
  8. Nice try HAHA Gator. Trump responded in exactly the proper way. He said he'd listen to what someone had to say and determine if it was worthy of reporting it to the FBI. You asswipes on the Left are consumed with building new mountain ranges out of mole hills and nothing burgers. The frenzied hysterics that consumes the swamp people and their servant MSM with such all-consuming TDS would be totally laughable if you idiots didn't actually believe theshit that comes from your mouth.
  9. CNN is so fair that they will literally stretch out Nancy Pelosi on a rack to force her to say something bad about republicans. She even cracked a smile (that is now permanently in place) caused by the massive shifting of plastic.
  10. Iran has done it in the past. I don't think even the Mullahs are dumb enough to go to total war with us. If they do another tanker I'm willing to bet we take out some of their facilities like radar or missile defense and then maybe a refinery. Look at what Trump has done with ROE since becoming president. He made it possible for our troops to fight and win. He won't handcuff our military and Iran will be worse off for it.
  11. Our best chance of staying out of a war may be a swift response to Iran's transgressions. A weak response will only embolden Iran.
  12. The union jobs have gone away pretty much. Making $40-$45 an hour at GE has pretty much gone away. Those jobs are now starting out at half that.
  13. They've fed off the student loan trough for so long they need to reign in their spending so that an education at their college is affordable. Shitlike 82 Diversity Officers at UM is what I'm talking about. That never would have happened without the easy to get student loans. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/university-of-michigan-has-82-diversity-officers-at-a-cost-of-10-6-million/
  14. Probably. Are you familiar with the quote I referred to?
  15. The issue is that we have lost manufacturing jobs over the last few decades. Trump's policies have started to bring them back. We need to keep expanding our manufacturing base and control immigration and we can regain the higher wages referred to by the Stanford professor.
  16. "We'll have those ex cons voting republican for the next 100 years."
  17. I think the general populace in Iran is more sophisticated than some of the other countries there and wouldn't fall for that. Sanctions are killing them. That's why they are acting up and that's why we need to keep them going until we eliminate their nuclear ambitions.
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