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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. So, you want everyone to read every post you make so they'd be enlightened? How much did Jonestown cost?
  2. They'd be delusional too but it would help me set up my own cult in Guyana.
  3. Joe is "standing on a corner" and about to be picked up, boyst is in the witness protection program and I wouldn't wish Exiled on anyone, not even himself. I can't tell you about the other two, but maybe they'd be good for each other?
  4. Marriage and "just for fun" are seldom used in the same sentence.
  5. Married at a Bills/*Pats game? Guaranteed that someone is going to cheat.
  6. If a president doesn't have slam dunk majorities in congress that are also loyal to him then he has to use the bully pulpit to get things done. He should always use the bully pulpit to win over the populace with his ideas but without solid backing in congress he needs the people to convince congress for him. Joe Biden's remarks are the remarks of a confused old man. He'll say anything at any time. The way to beat him is to engage him and make him face the public. In other words, all that is needed to beat him is to force him to show the real Joe Biden to the public.
  7. We revolted and fought for our way of life, several times. We became a nation governed by the rule of law and paid the price to be the nation that we are today. The Central American countries and Mexico never did that. The people got what they were willing to fight for and that will not change without them throwing out the corrupt entities running their countries.
  8. We're letting legal immigrants in now. I wouldn't have a problem letting more in but we have no responsibility to allow just anyone in who can cross our borders. Our borders need to be orderly and immigration controlled to people we want here.
  9. Unfortunately that's true of a good share of the world. What's the difference between them and us historically?
  10. I find that if I get a little sleepy or lethargic after smoking pot that a couple of lines of really pure stuff picks me right up.
  11. Ah, the give us money or we'll move in with you ploy.
  12. High tuition and easy to get loans benefit the schools and their employees. With few exceptions those are the only people/entities that easy money benefits. The public in general pays for bankruptcies. So those that propose bankruptcy to ease the burden of student loans is only asking the rest of us, who may not have even gone to college, to subsidize the students and university staff.
  13. Which side of the red line in the sand are we?
  14. He has pallets of cash. Some of it in Euros and Pounds.
  15. I said "Get some balls between your legs" but I wasn't meaning this.
  16. Just tell yourself it wasn't your fault Tibs. Even Billy Buckner did that.
  17. HAHA Gator is into laundering, in fact it's his whole life.
  18. Not every dad is happy getting that news.
  19. It's the phenomenon called "California Dreaming". They are much more interested in creating feel-good laws that don't do a damn thing than actually addressing problems such as sidewalk encroaching persons, doing their level best to keep diseases like typhus from becoming extinct.
  20. Much as there can be one item that is both a cake topping and a floor wax there can be a bi-linguist.
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