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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. OK, be honest now. When you go somewhere together, do you let him drive?
  2. Just like when you said something sarcastic about no need for a wall now that Mexico has solved the invasion problem.
  3. Is it true that swamp creatures stick together?
  4. Asian drivers are the butt of a lot of jokes in LA and most likely other west coast cities too.
  5. Actually, we need to give her some credit--she lasted 20 years with an Asian driver.
  6. It's rather telling that none of our posts bothered you enough to really complain until DC Tom posted a photo of the Wicked Witch of the West.
  7. This just in: A recent CNN/MSNBC/DNC/Black Panther poll shows Maxine Waters leading Trump by a margin of 59 to 38 with the 3% being non-responsive after being polled exclusively by the Black Panthers.
  8. You guys have no imagination. She's not there to teach the Senators anything, she's there to learn how to talk out of both sides of her mouth from the Senators.
  9. I don't want my president lowering himself to the level of the people who would willingly lie for political reasons. "By the books" is not abdicating responsibility and good judgement because it's the safe way. The Trump Tower meeting was not an overreaction but a trumped up charge based on zilch.
  10. Do you think that your assertion that holding back the funding for the Central American countries would cause more illegal migration here differs from my assertion that holding up that funding might also get those countries to do something about emigration? It's a complicated situation and one line attacks won't help either one of us to understand it better.
  11. Your reading comprehension is zilch. Iran has come out and claimed that within 10 days they will have reached the limits of their allowed stockpile of uranium material. Looks like they've been enrichening it all along, as they were allowed to under the pusssy Obama deal.
  12. It's obvious that you don't have a ***** clue. We don't need their oil. As the world's one super power (at least for a while) were looking to promote stability. Iran is the world's bad guy. They finance terrorism and have threatened the annihilation of Israel and The Great Satan. As long as we don't get another pusssy like Obama in the WH then Iran is not going to get nuclear weapons.
  13. So, you're for open borders or do you just think that we should pay the corrupt governments in Central America in order to keep their "subjects" there? After all, it's worked so well in the past. It's rather redundant, but if we don't draw the line somewhere, it's never going to get drawn anywhere. All you're doing is proposing that we become enablers for the corrupt governments of Central America. And you call me the ***** idiot? P.S. Trump is only leveraging cooperation from the Central American governments by threatening to withhold foreign aid until they get their emigration under control. One would think that you would have understood that.
  14. You've found us out. All of us that are "sexcited" about hurting migrants have recently received our migrant hunting licenses (some of us were able to also obtain special stamps for the shooting of women & children) and can't wait for opening day. The cool part is that it's not limited to dawn to dusk but is dusk to dusk in order to let us get our jollies 24/7. We do have limitations though. English speaking blonde-haired and blue-eyed of any sex or pronoun must not be shot and get an immediate pass to third base. We even have a way of identifying each other so that none of us get accidently shot:
  15. So, the prime minister of England pulls Trump aside and says that he's heard rumors that his presidential opponent in 2036, Chelsea, has been seen in compromising situations with Meadow Abedin. Doesn't Trump have the option to ignore this or does he have the obligation to report it to the FBI? Did we elect him to be a transferer of information or did we elect him to make reasonable judgements worthy of a five-time president?
  16. Easy, we're just kidding with you over your self-appointed exalted status. I do appreciate you reading my every word though.
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