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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Information I'm getting is that any hits this week are limited to posters with no avatar.
  2. That's a perfect temperature for the breeding of mosquitoes, which is one of Canada's main industries.
  3. Since when is alleged drunk and disorderly conduct in Florida in which no one was injured picked up by the WP?
  4. You guys cannot even be original. Pathetic.
  5. Maybe so but "Obama is the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy".
  6. That damn Trump! He sends missiles into Saudi Arabia and shoots down one of our own drones just because he probably owns oil stocks and wants to make a profit. You're an idiot.
  7. I rarely respond to you anymore. I think that corresponds with my realization that you are a pieceofshit. Regardless dumbass, I call out HAHA Gator for linking the WP, not just because it's a bunch of propaganda, but because there isn't any reason to post a link if it's hidden behind a paywall. It's HAHA Gator's way of making any claim he wants to without backing it up. He's been caught many times cherry picking a quote from a link to the extent that he has actually totally misrepresented an article.
  8. So what? Besides, you're using fake links.
  9. A free press is just that. They can cover whatever they want and it's not any business of the government. It is our option to pay any or no attention to the press that we feel is unfair.
  10. BREAKING NEWS: Sources inside Iran have confirmed that the Revolutionary Guard has ordered massive amounts of Depends, fearing an out break of hostilities with U.S. forces. Reports from the field have confirmed that in many instances, it is too late.
  11. Was a not uncommon practice during the Great Depression.
  12. I wonder if the licenses will designate their immigration status or in fact legitimize them?
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