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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I call BS on a claim from a 76 year old woman that Trump raped her when she was 53. He's never liked woman that old, even now.
  2. In the post I quoted from him he claims to be a conservative. You know, he's one of those "conservatives" who believes in the Green New Deal and Medicare For All.
  3. Yes, thank you. I had already read somewhere a few things about the RQ-4 Global Hawk and figured out that our military's synopsis made sense while that poster's didn't. My post to him was to solicit some answers that he would have to put some thought into. I believe that drone is not stealthy and has the capability to fly at extremely slow speeds at heights of 50,000 feet or more. Certainly not designed to enter another country's airspace.
  4. Don't post before your coffee. 1.6 Billion in cash on pallets for Mullahs and 150 Billion in funds released that were actually Iran's that we had a hold on. Pays for a lot of IED's.
  5. He's that new kind of conservative-------------a "feelings" conservative. He's following the Baskin example.
  6. Part of her initial confusion in Congress is how in the hell if she won her seat, she was assigned to a standing committee. In addition she wanted to know why there was only one chair per committee?
  7. AOC---Primaries? Are those the books we had in first grade?
  8. HAHA Gator, you flit around so much it's as if you travel on a pogo stick.
  9. He's a clown. Sounds like he's been drinking all night. He claims Greece, Italy and Germany are "dealing" with the refugee problem. Must be the newly created "no go" zones.
  10. As a conservative, you sure are emitting a lot of "feelings" this morning.
  11. What is the purpose and capabilities of the PQ-4 Global Hawk? What type of surveillance was it designed to perform? Is it the ideal drone to send over another country's air space?
  12. I'm impressed with your ability to form such strong opinions without quoting any facts. Just think what you could actually do with a smidgeon of knowledge.
  13. Iran has to pay a price for their nonsense. No retaliation will only encourage them to do more. Whatever they do, we gave back to them plus some, and in a way that will hurt them. If I worked in a refinery in Iran, I might call in sick for the next week.
  14. I hear you can get some pretty nice ocean property in Dominican Republic pretty cheap nowadays. P.S. Bring your own booze.
  15. Tiberius exists here for target practice. Feel free to use a sidewinder on him; everyone here will give you an alibi.
  16. Maybe so, but he's outmaneuvered the entire MSM, along with the deep state so he must have something going for him.
  17. The MSM was so against Trump that he was never going to get his message out and defend himself from the Left and their compliant media.Trump was left with Twitter as his way of communicating with the public.
  18. I wonder if Schiff should add an amendment about representatives being fooled with offers of sex tapes on opposition party candidates?
  19. You have to not only be the least politically savvy person here but the dumbest in every other matter too.
  20. We always had to temper our actions with the consideration of the oil trade and how any great restriction would affect us and the rest of the world. With our new found energy independence being tough with Iran has little to no political repercussions as it pertains to shortages or big price increases at home. Basically we have the entire ME behind us in whatever we choose to do. We are in a better position now to deal with Iran than we have been for the last 40 years. Iran needs to tread very lightly here or they'll lose their refineries and have more hell to pay at home when even their people have no fuel.
  21. I'd be insisting on a competitive bid and only ask for 175k.
  22. I Googled 2012 Kalorama NW in Washington. That is what I got. Seems like Plenz lives in a nice convenient neighborhood and Tom finds it convenient too.
  23. http://www.scragged.com/articles/democrat-disaster-cities Some time back, CNN quoted a politician and asked who said it: "I think the best way of doing good to the poor is not making them easy in poverty but leading them or driving them out of it." Every politician talks about poverty because it's become a serious issue - regardless of morality, our many entitlement programs are taking our society down. There is also a human cost. The US Census Bureau says that nearly a third of the residents of Detroit and Buffalo live in poverty as the government defines it. This is such a waste of human potential that both liberals and conservatives agree that Something Should Be Done. Nobody claims to be pro-poverty, but if you ask for solutions, ideas break down along party lines. Liberals want to increase taxes to give more to the poor, conservatives want to create opportunities and nudge the poor into jobs by cutting welfare as Pres. Clinton did. Liberals and conservatives have thundered rhetoric at each other for years, but we finally have some facts. CNN gave the US Census rankings for cities with the most poverty and showed how long these cities have been run by Democrats: Poverty Rank City Democrat Since 1 Detroit, MI 1961 2 Buffalo, NY 1954 3 Cincinnati, OH 1984 4 Cleveland, OH 1989 5 Miami, FL forever 6 St. Louis, MO 1949 7 El Paso, TX forever 8 Milwaukee, WI 1908 9 Philadelphia, PA 1952 10 Newark, NJ 1907 Five of our poorest cities have been led by Democrats for more than 45 years. The two other cities on the list, Miami, FL and El Paso, TX have never had Republican mayors. Not ever. Correlation is not Causation The fact that all of our very poorest cities are run by Democrats doesn't prove that Democratic policies lead to poverty, but it sure suggests it. Fortunately, sociologists and economists have studied some of our older cities long enough to figure out what's going on. We now know why Democratic policies lead to poverty. Two Harvard economists described the "Curley Effect," named after Mayor James Curley of Boston who was elected to Boston's Board of Aldermen in 1904 despite being in prison on a fraud conviction when the election was held. Mayor Curley showed Democrats how to win elections by taxing productive people and channeling the proceeds to less well-off groups. This bought Irish votes. As taxes went higher, productive citizens who tended to vote Republican fled to the suburbs, which tipped the balance further and further in favor of Democratic candidates. In cities like Baltimore and Detroit, registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by 8 to 1 or more. Is it any wonder that they've become single-party cesspools with no hope for change?
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