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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. She claims she first met Trump in a department store 23 years ago when he raped her in the dressing room. She also posts a picture in her book of her and her husband and Trump and Ivana in 1987 in what could be anything from a simple introduction to meeting at a swingers party.
  2. Our comprehensive insurance was set at a $1,000,000 deductible while our collision has a deductible of $10,000,000. Regardless, Farmer's is going to have a tough time displaying this accident for their commercials.
  3. Recent picture of the Trump Youth, massing at the southern border:
  4. E Jean Carroll claimed that she first met Trump 23 years ago when he supposedly raped her. Obviously, she's a liar.
  5. Those Central Americans are practically making reservations to get to stay in our "concentration camps". It's a shame that we can't supply them with all their hygiene needs but congress hasn't as of yet given us the funding for the soap factories.
  6. Sherpa would know, but I'm thinking a sophisticated drone like the PQ-4 Global Hawk would have a system that could be programmed to put the drone on a specific course. If for some reason it strayed off course there would be an alarm and the operator could override the programming.
  7. MSM asks: What do you like about Trump? Well I said, I really like his strengthening of the military. He's a warmonger they replied! I said I really like his judicial use of the military and his use of its strength to avoid casualties. He's a kitty they shouted!
  8. He's chosen to ignore common sense in order to put Iran on an equal veracity level with the U.S. That seems to me like bending over backwards to believe in a country seeped in the art of lying. In fact, even their religion says it's ok to lie to someone outside their faith. We are fortunate here at PPP to have a fantastic array of different professions, educations and experiences. There are few subjects that can't be addressed here by an expert. In this instance not only have we had lay people chiming in with common sense responses but a military geek and an actual navy fighter pilot with experience in the very geographical area in question giving their opinions. "Dirty" knows more though.
  9. I asked you some questions earlier in this thread that if answered should have brought you to the conclusion that our drone was indeed in international airspace. DC Tom went ahead and answered those questions with a somewhat full response. Did you not read those posts and learn something?
  10. It's "past". Somewhere there's a nice flat rock missing you.
  11. Yes, and it doesn't bode well for any of your arguments. Do you know the difference between there, their and they're?
  12. Plymouth Tavern at 2:00am and I meant Madeline Stowe.
  13. I can remember when you thought Madeline Albright was hot.
  14. In a way yes, but he's not claiming victimhood. He fights back.
  15. Try this on in order to get a better idea of what the Left has to do with it. Go to msn.com home page. Make sure you navigate to their "news". Scroll down and look at all of the negative slant on the headlines. They could pick up an article from a conservative writer that was labeled "Trump Cures Almost All Cancer" and they would re-headline it as "Trump Fails To Cure All Cancer".
  16. They keep it in the bank and use a debit card like the rest of the modern world?
  17. Methinks that E. Jean Carroll started out to write a romance novel and then got the notion that she could make a lot more money if she put some real people's names to it.
  18. Who are you to deprive HAHA Gator of a good laugh?
  19. The good news is that HAHA Gator & Company all finally get a shower.
  20. Nadler, in his feeble mind was somehow thinking that by calling her Mrs. Lewandowski that it was a put down. He's an asswipe that is so short and fat that dogs most likely confuse him with a fire hydrant and piss all over him.
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