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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Can you provide a list so that other people can agree or disagree with you?
  2. Our issues are not low effort posts which may only be short and to the point but senseless posts or posts made to simply inflame. The simpletons making these low effort posts could just lengthen them to meet the new criteria. We need to solve the problem not the symptoms. Solving the problem would be getting the bad posters to either change their ways or go away. We can't ban someone ourselves and tattling enough to get rid of the trash would only get us moderated. It's our problem to solve. Just spit balling it here but what if we made a real commitment to "shun" them? We all pretty much know who the real jerks are but if we set up some parameters for posting here and agreed upon a panel of reasonable and fair people we could have them determine "ignore" recommendations. If everybody ignores the stupid posters then sooner or later hey'll go away. Just a thought.
  3. 3rd Chair says it's not only fake news but it's a hoax.
  4. Judgement days can be good though I don't think that's the way he meant it.
  5. Based on the signs I see driving around PA...Joe Biden is coming in 3rd place behind Donald J Trump & Corn For Sale.
  6. You certainly took the cheese right out of that trap!
  7. How did Trump retreat from Russia in Germany?
  8. 3rd Chair, falling back on his supposed vocation and splitting hairs. To name just two, Rochester and Portland.
  9. The reason for creating PPP in the first place was to keep politics out of TSW. It's kept TSW away from politics and makes it a better place. Any problems at PPP are created by the invasion of idiots like BillSlime who continuously posts stuff that is patently false. (I've already caught him 3 times just this morning) There are others, many of them who have had numerous different screen names. They've been previously banned but come back with a different name but the same schtick. For example, BillsMisery is back telling other posters how he is boffing their wives. He doesn't remember that kind of talk got him banned in the first place.
  10. My guess is that DR really has no desire to be a moderator thus needing to temper what he has to post. As a relative newbie here at PPP what difference does it make to you if this place exists? I don't mock TBD posters other than PPP posters who post lies or really stupid stuff. It seems to me that you don't think you're prepared to discuss PPP things here so you'd just as soon have it disbanded. Cancel Culture hits close to home.
  11. I feel like we here at PPP are Arizona and certain posters like Shoshin have moved here from California to get away from that state, while at the same time advocating to run things here like they do in California. They used to call those people "carpetbaggers".
  12. Once again you post something that isn't true. From your link: CNN previously reported the Georgia Secretary of State said the removal of the voters is not a "purge" but part of routine maintenance on voting lists that dates back to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. In December 2019, the Georgia Secretary of State said they had removed hundreds of thousands of registered voters it classified as "inactive" from its voting rolls as part of a state provision. Under the provision, the state must remove registration records from the voter rolls that have been deemed "inactive" for more than three years. A voter is categorized as "inactive" if they don't vote in two general elections and have had no contact with board of elections in that time, according to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office. Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs responded to the report by saying, "A year ago, Justin Grey, a credible journalist with WSB-TV, conducted a story to see if the people on the list had moved or not. His on the ground reporting showed that those who were on the list to be canceled were no longer at that address. It is unfortunate that the ACLU hired a known Stacey Abrams shill to conduct 'research,' especially when there are so many credible options on the left to hire." The story Fuchs references is a 2019 report published by CNN affiliate, WSB-TV, that involved one West Atlanta neighborhood. The 30 homes the reporter checked seemed to have been removed because the person moved away or was deceased. About 313,000 voters were removed from the list, or about 4% of all registered voters in the state, at that time. The "inactive" voters were marked for removal after failing to respond to a pre-addressed, postage paid confirmation card within 30 days; the card asked voters to confirm or update their information. A prior lawsuit over the 313,000 voters from Fair Fight Action ended up forcing the state to restore 22,000 of the voter registrations until December 2021.
  13. Once more you post something that is not true. That video is not from early March 2020 but from sometime after June 18 2020. Can't you post anything without lying?
  14. Adam Schiff aka Jeffrey Goldberg makes another claim.
  15. Once again you banked on nobody actually reading what you linked to. Your characterization of what the staffer said is plain wrong and simply a lie. This is what the claim was based on: That's "making fun"? Once again you libs prove that you have no legitimate complaints so you make stuff up. You are simply a pathetic liar.
  16. I agree with you (for once) but this is just one of many posts of this nature that he has made.
  17. You most likely have a prior version of him on ignore too. There's not a scintilla of doubt in my mind that he is a returnee.
  18. I knew there was a reason I learned Farsi back during the Obama reign.
  19. Sorry B-Man but that's not one image. Without even touching on the low hanging fruit that she so prominently displays, she's at least the equivalent of two images.
  20. WW4? I vaguely even remember WW3. Did we even win it?
  21. You newbies learn fast. Fox has had the so called controversy regarding Trump's so called "sucker" and "loser" remarks basically on a loop for the last three days. It got worse when Trump criticized Jennifer Griffen. Careful now, nobody ***** with Big Bad Leroy Brown.
  22. Any word on what Jesse's and Al's cuts are?
  23. Hell, Dalmatians are on her "What's for dinner" list.
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