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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Disregarding the fact that I don't go where I don't want to go there would be no waking up to her. As an infidel I'd either be killed in my sleep or I'd have to stay awake all night out of concern that she would kill me. So, there's no waking up to that woman.
  2. Facts are that Obama paid Iran to perpetrate all kind of terrorist activity that no doubt killed some Americans along with other nationalities. Iran had not stopped their progress toward a nuclear weapon. Nowhere was it proposed that we invade Iran. Beto should stick to something he knows, like drunken hit and run accidents.
  3. Are there any consequences to marrying a woman with multiple personalities? Asking for a friend.
  4. Moral of the story: Don't let yourself be "mentored" by AOC.
  5. As I said earlier, the administration should ask for funding for soap factories and the problems could just take care of themselves.
  6. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/06/24/trumps-lies-need-be-exposed-real-time/?utm_term=.c2e73603de2e HAHA Gator, now that's funny. Did you laugh?
  7. Happens all the time. I was looking for a picture of a "Depends" package to post in response to someone, probably here, and I got incontinence product ads galore on everything I opened up.
  8. What is the difference between Iran and North Korea as countries, along with their history of western ways?
  9. Bernie proposes paying off the college loan debt of all people presumed to make the most money with money from people that didn't go to college, who presumably will make less money. Go Bernie!
  10. Why not? Is it because you don't like his hair?
  11. So what you are saying is that we would have only had a little under 100,000 illegal aliens invade our country in May if this policy would have been in place then?
  12. Kamala Harris, blowing people away! On a side note, she's also against "praying".
  13. Because it was doing no such thing. Obama gave Iran money to spread around on terrorism and they continued to process uranium with the ultimate goal of nuclear weapons. Obama didn't prevent them from getting nuclear weapons but gave them a guided tour to obtaining them. BTW, you're still an idiot.
  14. You spew so much stupidity that you must refrain from posting over the weekends so that you can replenish your stupidity supply. BREAKING: we don't want Iran to get nuclear weapons!
  15. Think again. He's reminding other countries of what all we do. As GG stated above, he's most likely trying to firm up sanctions support.
  16. Just to make things clear, Obama deported more illegals than Trump because he could. We can only immediately send illegal aliens back to their own country if they are from Mexico or Canada. We haven't been able to send illegals back to such countries as El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras because of that loophole. The vast majority of border crossings are now from countries other than Mexico. That ratio was much different during Obama's presidency and thus deportations were more numerous because the amount of illegal aliens being caught at the border were slanted more heavily in Mexico's favor. We are now receiving a much higher proportion of Central Americans and others that are not Mexican and are presently prohibited from immediately deporting them, but must keep them here in country until their court hearings.
  17. Is that you, waiting for someone you can file jointly with?
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