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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I know it's difficult for you to remember anything before rehab but this was the OP: "DR needs a place to stash his stashes. So this thread is a place where he can store those items he wants to only deal with at a later date. Everyone is free to stash their **** here too. For those of you like Bob in Michigan, don't confuse the meaning of "stash" with your little plastic bag of ganja. You stash that **** here and it'll probably be gone when you come back for it."
  2. "Mr. Mueller, I have one question. At what point in time or date did you come to the realization that there was no collusion?"
  3. Kat has a self deprecating wry sense of humor. Katie has a very sharp mind to go with her elegance while Tomi is a firebrand. They all look damn good and can eat crackers in my bed anytime.
  4. Actually it was more than that. Jussie's posse insisted upon wearing white hazmat suits around the set and Alyssa Milano claimed that she was the only one allowed to wear white since she hasn't had sex in two months, one week, 4 days, twelve hours and 33 minutes. The posse left with Jussie in tow.
  5. "There are none so blind as those who refuse to see."
  6. http://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/us-releases-review-on-removing-vegetation-to-stop-wildfires/ar-AADmk06?ocid=HPDHP17 Saving this for the next wildfire debate.
  7. It's in Mexico's best interest to cooperate. If these families settle down it will take away jobs from the single Mexicans that used to come here to work. The dynamic has changed in that we are getting families from Central America and elsewhere that can't be easily deported. By law we have to at least house them for awhile and we are literally overwhelmed. Mexico is cooperating to save jobs for their own people.
  8. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/university-of-michigan-has-82-diversity-officers-at-a-cost-of-10-6-million/ The latest reports place the expenses related to the University of Michigan’s ‘diversity officer’ staff as around $10.6 million dollars, spent to employ 82 people. According to Mark Perry, an economics researcher at the American Enterprise Institute, these expenses would be enough to cover full in-state tuition for 708 students if appropriated purposes. The duties of Michigan’s ‘diversity officers’ remain unclear, but it’s hard to imagine that the 10+ million dollars spent by the University to employ them is being best utilized when it instead could be used to give more than 700 students a full ride to one of the nation’s most prestigious and expensive universities. The school had promised to devote a whopping total of $85 million to advancing diversity beyond 2021. It appears that much of the fortune will end up in the pockets of the school’s army of diversity officers, many of whom make more than $100,000 a year. The school’s “Vice Provost for Equity and Inclusion & Chief Diversity Officer,” Robert Sellers, clocked in with a shocking annual salary of $396,000- more than the President of the United States.
  9. You must be a not so secret agent of Iran. According to you, we were 10 minutes away from a war with Iran. That means you were 10 minutes away from being a traitor.
  10. I recollect that the border facilities during Obama's reign were off limits to reporters and even congress people.
  11. It is who's, you idiots. Also, it is believed that HAHA Gator gets it on a regular basis. If he makes an error it is marked down as E-2, if you get my drift.
  12. "You're fascinating to talk to Anderson. Ever think of switching sides and doing a little role play?"
  13. Simple. Don't chalk up a debt of that amount. Start out in Jr. College. Finish your undergraduate degree at a school that doesn't cost that much. Get a job while in graduate school. Other alternatives are to get the military to pay for it or claim you are part Cherokee. Seriously, as an employer obtaining your Masters without accumulating a lot of debt would impress me in an interview.
  14. She's convinced me...……………………………………….that's she's the dullest pencil in the box.
  15. Before charging Wall Street to pay for student debt maybe University endowments should have to be shaved to do it. After all they took advantage of the easy loan money and raised tuition, etc. in a huge way.
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