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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Just as long as he doesn't try to provide him with an alibi. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  2. BREAKING: Kamala Harris announces new plan for all who want to get to know her positions better. It has something to do with raising contributions with direct deposits.
  3. So, you'd rather go down the black hole that is "Swingin" Kamala?
  4. Rumors have it that Kamala went to "swinger" parties with Willie Brown and mouthed off a lot. I have a hard time picturing my president doing that.
  5. Just turn the census over to Kamala Harris. She can count head with the best of them.
  6. Her "impromptu" moment was when she said that "the American people don't want to see a food fight, but want to know how we are going to feed them". Well, it was an ad libbed line that was well rehearsed (thanks to a Rod Stewart song) but it's horseshit. We don't need the government to feed us, we need them to ***** off and leave us alone.
  7. These debates by the dems could be just an insidious plan to sound so stupid as to make Trump complacent enough to not take them seriously. Or not.
  8. No, no, no. Waponi Woo is a nice laid back island with friendly natives. Real estate is cheap and if you come with a big supply of orange soda you'll be treated like natives yourself.
  9. Oh my, Kamala has a 3:00am agenda. I guess if it worked in the past it should work now.
  10. By confiscating all your guns and stealing your souls.
  11. Little known facts about her but she starred in The Walking Dead and is a half sister to both Robert Mueller and John Kerry.
  12. Hell, Kamala is used to stealing, she took swallowell's name from him.
  13. My guess Willie was yawning and saying he was tired before he even had a chance to light up a cigarette.
  14. I talked on the phone with an obvious elderly gentleman the night before last and then found out yesterday that he was in the Dutch Resistance during WW2. He eventually got picked up by the Germans (they didn't know he was resistance) and sent to a camp. He ended up in 5 camps altogether and was saved by a German coworker. It appears that being an electrician was part of that. There's a writeup in a local paper I'll share a link to. https://www.observertoday.com/news/page-one/2018/11/concentration-camp-survivor-shares-his-story/
  15. As I listen to how all these experts who make judgements based on their feelings it reminds me of Obama's pledge to shut down Guantanamo on day one of his Presidency.
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