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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. We fully knew what we were getting with Trump and he was voted into office. Don't you think we should fully know what we might be getting with Harris? Thanks for giving me your permission to end this. You've got my permission to stfu too.
  2. Once again, I was mocking a person for their prior actions, proved out over an extended period of time that displayed her lack of character and fitness for President. She was/is a wh*** and I'll call her one. What if she somehow makes it to President and then the pictures of her as "Swingin Kamala" are exposed, or worse yet she is threatened with them?
  3. I have to question this poll. If you look closely they had a dead Hillary beating Trump by 20%. Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot also beat Trump by wide margins. I don't think it was actually fair to ask the respondents "If a gun was held to your head"...……………………………………………………………..
  4. Horseshit! As I explained to you earlier I've made a point of mocking her for sleeping and sucking her way up the ladder. Anyone familiar with my history of posts here would know that I don't make fun of people for no reason, and I certainly don't have a problem with women. If you want to pick a fight, go pick one where you have a chance.
  5. That will have more of an effect on vote counts than any amount of Russian FaceBook ads.
  6. No foreign entity is going to have an effect on our election that will change any results. What they can and will do is influence a naïve and gullible electorate to be dissatisfied with the results. They will attempt to sow doubt and anger like they did 2 1/2 years ago. They were fortunate enough to have a deep state that was already trying to do something similar so their efforts had a much larger affect. Will they try to help the democrats? Most likely, because Trump has been a formidable opponent their attempts will be to harm Trump more than help the democrats. They will be happy if the discord since November of 2016 can be even partially repeated this time.
  7. So obvious you didn't get it. Listen I'm making fun of Kamala because she's a two-faced lying ***** who got her start in politics by servicing the most powerful man in CA politics that was 4 decades her senior. I'll make fun of and mock her all I want. While I'm a gentleman I don't hold back from telling it like it is even if it is a woman. I have too much respect for them to think they need to be sheltered. Would you have tried to call me out if I was making fun of Bill Clinton's little pecadillos?
  8. Yes, I have a hard time picturing my president wearing out kneepads while every Hairy Dick and Tom lines up for a bj.
  9. Jimmy Carter was getting senile 40 years or so ago. Probably from the syphilis he caught from lusting after women "in his mind".
  10. I think I heard that Mueller's testimony will be open while the closed door hearings will be with his staff, and concentrate on the redacted material.
  11. You don't know what you are getting yourself into. Are you going to do this every time HAHA Gator interjects hisshit into a thread?
  12. It isn't cool to criticize our High Priest in his own thread.
  13. Yes, for the first part of his life he was known as HAHA Gator and was fullofshit.
  14. One would think a district could be jumbled together rather nicely just from the residents on the "other side of the tracks".
  15. Trump recognized that the SC was a gigantic issue with many of us. I personally convinced at least 2 people to vote for him because of it.
  16. I guess Willie's direct deposit privileges are no longer valid.
  17. Horseshit! All Californians are supposed to be blonde and fit and go to beach parties. And surf.
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