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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Make sure you find a bookstore that specializes in Braille books, you'll need them since there are none so blind as those that refuse to see.
  2. How is celebrating the Fourth of July usurping a great day? You must be really conflicted, what with the TDS that is so ingrained in you in direct conflict with what is right. You must toss & turn throughout the night lamenting the day TDS took your soul and turned you into a Stepford wife.
  3. The sand is there to slow down any defectors.
  4. Chef must have mistaken Sarin for Saffron in his bouillabaisse.
  5. You need to take a pill...………………………………………….or hook up with Bob.
  6. Send your redcoats over here with their illegal knives to do something about it Lizzy.
  7. Trump has already prepositioned tanks and jets for the defense of DC.
  8. You made a general statement, Mr. Grinch.
  9. While I despised Obama and his policies for example, I don't remember ever wishing bad things for America while he was in office.
  10. Tell them it ain't much now but it grows on you. Then give her "readers" (glasses).
  11. You jump on every report, fake or not, that might show a negative for our country. It's as if you revel in bad news. I guess I'll have to bring back the "Gleeful Gator" moniker for you as you put your anti-American mask on.
  12. Not a peep about the Chick-fil-A employee destroying the poor child's life saving seatbelt? What kind of a lawyer are you anyway?
  13. No, it was an Amerispeak poll in which those completing the poll get rewards.
  14. Yes, that was hyperbole on my part. A good whiff would probably do it in a minute or two.
  15. Are mature hours longer than immature hours?
  16. If the employees had gotten a whiff of Sarin they would only need to be observed for about 10 seconds.
  17. I saw Vanilla Sky with a date. There weren't too many people in the theater so I actually noticed two couples that were together. Well, the movie sucked and one of the couples got up and left partly through the movie. When the movie was over I noticed the couple sitting outside the theater. They apparently disliked the movie enough that they preferred to sit outside the theater to wait for their friends.
  18. You might think you are going faster but you can't go as far. Our MPG is much better than your KPL. We'll always be your Daddy.
  19. From your link: “Seventy-one percent of Americans say the economy is doing well, including 60% of Democrats,” she said. “What do you say to those who worry this kind of significant change could be risky to the economy?” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the first to answer, pretended not hear the question. Instead, she went on a rant about how the economy is “doing great for a thinner and thinner slice at the top.” But if that were true, why are six in ten of her fellow Democrats happy with the way things are going? No one bothered to ask her that. A word cloud of the debates shows that “economy” barely got mentioned over the two nights. Democrats talked almost as much about guns as they did jobs. And when Democrats did talk about the economy, it was in grim, Dickensian terms. Cory Booker said, “I see every single day that this economy is not working for average Americans” and claimed that “dignity is being stripped from labor, and we have people that work full-time jobs and still can’t make a living wage.” For Kamala Harris, “this economy is not working for working people.” She dismissed the low unemployment number as meaningless because: “Well, yeah, people in America are working. They’re working two and three jobs.” Amy Klobuchar complained that “Donald Trump just sits in the White House and gloats about what’s going on, when you have so many people that are having trouble affording college and having trouble affording their premiums.” There was no talk of extending or expanding the current boom. No celebration of the gains in employment among blacks and Hispanics, the decline in poverty, the rising wages, the fact that incomes at the low end are climbing. Democrats instead debated about how much free stuff they would give people, including health care to illegal immigrants. The economic discussion, when it occurred, focused mostly on redistribution and class envy. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke for pretty much every one of the 20 Democrats on stage those two nights when he said: “There’s plenty of money in this country. It’s just in the wrong hands.”
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