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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. There's a good chance her ancestors came from Africa with the slaves they owned. I understand she wants reparations for the loss of the family owned slaves.
  2. That's as lame as blaming it on "spellcheck".
  3. I think most of those in attendance came just to see what a black woman looked like.
  4. You're a good poster but damn man, if you're going to call someone an idiot...………………………………………….
  5. "Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program." Nancy Pelosi. …
  6. I did some real estate work in NF and am well aware of the lock that unions have in that town. Also it takes a stack of 100 dollar bills to grease the skids with the non union people controlling the project. My particular project had a real estate tax price tag of just under $30,000. That identical store would have a real estate tax of $6,000-$8,000 in PA. A well known discount grocery chain with headquarters in Germany located there and their real estate people told me that construction labor costs were about 75% more than for a typical store. Of the many, many stores that I found locations for the NF store is the only one that failed to stay in business.
  7. When I read 33's post I almost responded with a congratulating post.
  8. Our concentration camps are so good that people are walking thousands of miles just to get in line to be put in them. They even get free toilet water.
  9. The only thing that matters to HAHA Gator is that more "brown" people get let loose in the USA so that one way or another they can presumably vote for democrats. His allegiance isn't to this country, it's to the democrat party.
  10. It seems like there were more people debriefed than briefed.
  11. No. It was based on such stupidity and ignorance that it just got a shaking of my head. I was pointing out the concrete evidence of their ignorance.
  12. Nobody wants you banned. My guess is that everyone wants you to stay and suffer the humiliation you rightfully deserve for that gator level "pun".
  13. Well, I always thought you were a bottom feeder.
  14. Regardless, it is difficult to have a conversation with a duck. They keep repeating themselves.
  15. Even with all the experience she gained at Kitty Hawk?
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