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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Are you not aware of the Occupy bs degree?
  2. Silly boy, the Martians already speak the language.
  3. Sniveling Locomark, what policies has Trump not stuck to?
  4. It's part of the rehab process in DC Tom's 120 step program. I think that's probably step # 37 called "Healing---complement yourself".
  5. We have made so many advancements over the years that the standards are not even comparable. A dozen years ago my 40" flat screen tv cost about $1500. Now a much improved version of that tv would be not much over $200. Today, even the poor can have something that didn't really exist, even for the wealthy 20 years ago. How many illegals crossing the border have a cellphone? The standards have changed so drastically that a poor person today might have been considered wealthy 50 years ago. That's what happens to a person that swallows too much.
  6. As 33 said above each case has to be taken individually. Video may prove that the thief was on the ground and visibly out of it while the father or someone else continued to pound on him. It might show that it was a knockdown fight and the last punch is what did it. Maybe when he was hit his head hit the concrete. Regardless, a lot of evidence and witness testimony will be needed before the PD can charge him or not.
  7. The thief had no control over the kids when he was pummeled to death. It was just as if the father shot him in the head.
  8. Ah, a little Lonesome Dove reference, eh? This is how one wears a pantsuit, from someone nearly twice AOC's age.
  9. Three of them quit and the other two want to be the one to give DC Tom his end of life counseling.
  10. I'm confused. AOC calls herself a woman of color and she is whiter than me and I'm a WASP. She likes to wear white clothes to make her skin look darker. I might give her a poke but I'd put the blinders on me and muzzle her.
  11. I see AOC and she reminds me of "They Kill Horses, Don't They"?
  12. I stay away from here for a few hours and all decorum is lost. Gerberveal is the best.
  13. Please keep posting these polling results. The trend is amazingly favorable for Trump.
  14. Those ***** want to blame the Republicans for our illegal immigration issues. If they were to be fixed, they won't have those issues anymore.
  15. You are actually asking the Democrats to vote for DACA and against one of their issues?
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