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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I didn't have any rabbits, birds or chipmunks trying to get in.
  2. Some are somewhat tolerable. Others that really like you leave a dead animal on your balcony every night for your eating pleasure.
  3. Yes, all cats are racist. They look down on everyone and everything. They make French-Canadians look humble.
  4. Now that I understand that you just had our best interests at heart I take back those thoughts I had of you.
  5. Try TPS and TYTT. The conversation may have been between them.
  6. So, do you consider calling someone a "brown shirt" is the equivalent of calling someone racist?
  7. This is the kind of nonsense that every thinking man or woman rejects* https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/this-week-in-cali-madness-saving-the-planet-from-natural-gas/ Are you tired of paying too little for clean-burning energy that reduces carbon emissions? Then has Berkeley got a deal for you! On Tuesday, the City Council approved a new ordinance forbidding any new low-rise residences from using natural gas: It's all-electric or nothin', baby. Councilwoman Kate Harrison, who sponsored the measure, told the Chronicle that "It’s an enormous issue" and "When we think about pollution and climate-change issues, we tend to think about factories and cars, but all buildings are producing greenhouse gas." And more than a few local politicians, too. Eventually, new commercial buildings will feel the (electric) heat, as the ordinance will eventually ban natural gas from almost all new construction. The best part? The new ordinance comes complete with a $273,341 staff position in the Building and Safety Division responsible for enforcing the ban. "Nope, I didn't see any gas lines going into those houses. That will be $273,341, please." The position is only supposed to last for two years, but given the nature of government -- especially in California -- you can bet it's going to turn into a lifetime appointment for the offspring or cousin of someone important. Meanwhile: PG&E Braces for Power Cuts. * Thanks to B-Man for posting this in the California thread.
  8. She showed us fossils of petrified palm trees and snail shells. Holding a shard of a fossilized turtle shell, our guide described the ocean floor before us where resident tortoises were once the size of Subaru’s and horses were the size of house cats. https://windriver.org/the-red-desert/ One can find fossilized palm trees in Greenland too.
  9. I'm disappointed in your characterization of me in the above manner. I'm better than that and you know it. Obama ignored our military needs and threw money at bs programs with no hope for positive results. Trump had to restore our military readiness and get the economy moving. All I did was reject the use of slanted and cherry picked statistics.
  10. People can claim all they want about Trump and how he damages their sensitivities, but he has kept his campaign promises and should be regarded as the "Get-Ur-Done President".
  11. He's looking for the one Blowfish amongst all the Asian Carpys.
  12. Lies, lies and statistics. Military spending was increased for a reason. Tax cuts for nearly everyone were for a reason. We don't deal in bumper sticker bs here, so be better or go back to the country you came from, fix it and then come back and show us how it's done.
  13. You're basing your math on a base year that was an anomaly.
  14. You're wasting your time. He stands for hours sniffing diesel fuel and counting Asian Carp at a Chicago River lock. He once had a somewhat functional mind but over the years it has become so addled that having a conversation with him is on par with talking to your neighbor's pet Gerbil.
  15. If everything is racist, then nothing is racist.
  16. To understand and appreciate Trump one must look at his deeds and use a filter for his words. He says a lot of things that are stupid sounding or can be easily twisted by the Left and the MSM into sounding stupid or racist. He grew up as a NYC real estate developer and a tv showman. He talks trash and uses hyperbole because it's in his DNA.
  17. Words, sentences, punctuation et al are meant to convey thoughts. If context is removed from a statement then it changes its meaning. Just removing a comma can change a sentence completely. "Let's eat, Mom" means something entirely different than "Lets eat Mom". The Donner family is still paying for that little misunderstanding.
  18. In some people's minds Trump's statement has morphed into "go back to your own country" when that clearly was not what he said. It's purely TDS.
  19. Read directly above this post of yours that I'm quoting.
  20. If I remember correctly she barely won out over McSally with a ridiculous amount of late votes going her way.
  21. That's a horseshit claim. I haven't been able to confirm that claim either so does that prove that there is zero evidence to support the claim that Trump barred the pedophile from Mar-A-Lago?
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