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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Don't worry, you're not his type.
  2. I did find a 2 year old article stating that he had high blood pressure and is diabetic so I guess he was predisposed to one.
  3. I haven't been able to find this anywhere else.
  4. J.J. Gittes finally confessed what he knew about Hollis Mulwray and Noah Cross.
  5. Guys, I got a hot tip from William Devane. With all the new solar panels being built, investing in silver might be a good idea.
  6. Iran's pirates board a British tanker and demand it "turn around 360 degrees". I presume the British negotiated a compromise and met them half way.
  7. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/ 36 bills and resolutions are on the House and Senate calendars for the coming days. Jul 22, 2019 (week of) House H.R. 3239: Humanitarian Standards for Individuals in Customs and Border Protection Custody Act Jul 22, 2019 (week of) House H.R. 617: Department of Energy Veterans’ Health Initiative Act Jul 22, 2019 (week of) House S. 504: LEGION Act This bill passed in the Senate on June 11, 2019 and goes to the House next for consideration. Jul 22, 2019 (week of) House H.R. 434: Emancipation National Historic Trail Study Act Jul 22, 2019 (week of) House H.R. 1307: Post-Disaster Assistance Online Accountability Act Jul 22, 2019 (week of) House H.Res. 246: Opposing efforts to delegitimize the State of Israel and the Global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement targeting Israel. Jul 22, 2019 (week of) House H.R. 3375: Stopping Bad Robocalls Act Jul 22, 2019 (week of) House H.R. 2943: Providing Benefits Information in Spanish and Tagalog for Veterans and Families Act Jul 22, 2019 (week of) House H.R. 1837: United States-Israel Cooperation Enhancement and Regional Security Act Jul 22, 2019 (week of) House H.R. 759: Ysleta del Sur Pueblo and Alabama-Coushatta Tribes of Texas Equal and Fair Opportunity For more bills click on the link.
  8. Hmmmmn. It's almost as if it always got hot in DC in the summers. https://uschs.wordpress.com/2012/08/23/august-recess-a-history/ Although it has been a tradition since the summer of 1791, August recess actually became a statutory requirement since the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970, making it the only statutory recess on the House and Senate calendars. The tradition first began mainly due to the oppressive heat and humidity that August would bring, not only to DC, which is where Congress has met since 1800, but also in both Philadelphia and New York City, where Congress met prior to moving into their permanent home here. Since their move to the Capitol in 1800, things didn’t improve much as neither chamber was built in a manner that allowed for air to move around enough to provide any relief from the hot summer weather (not to mention the smells that would take over due to the trash and sewage out in the streets of the capital). Once the new chambers were built in the 1850s during the Capitol extension, there was hope amongst members of the House and Senate that the “modern ventilation systems” that were supposedly a part of both new chambers would bring some measure of relief, but it was soon very clear that they were ineffective.
  9. Ah, the old debate about nature vs. nurture, eh?
  10. They came from Europe by ship and were better controlled. The southern border has always been porous but not until the mid to late 1800's did we need to import substantial amounts of farm workers. They came from Mexico and either returned there in the winters or holed up in our cities. It used to mainly be single male workers who crossed our borders for work, work that we needed done. Now we are getting a large influx of families and fake families and our laws were not set up to deal with it. A good book that is fiction but generally true (and is easy to read) is Centennial by James Michener. Like most of his books he follows different family lines throughout the centuries and the reader is able to get to read a historic novel.
  11. Now is the time to invest in companies that build kiosk machines.
  12. I remember a lot of unused busses intended for evacuation of people that had no other way out. I also remember the New Orleans mayor trying to skirt his responsibility by blaming Bush. I wonder what ever happened to him?
  13. Send him back! Send him back! Send him back! Send him back! Send him back!
  14. You should really stay away from conversations regarding creation and evolvement. I don't think you know enough to discuss what it is to evolve.
  15. If you look closely you'll see a Polish Club sticker and an Obama sticker on the tailgate. Brutal combination.
  16. Why? What does he have to protect?
  17. 1.8 billion in cash on pallets and released about 150 billion of their own money that had been frozen since 1979. Sanctions are the way to go. They are obviously working and Iran's actions are proof of that. Starve the populace until they overthrow the Mullahs. Take minor military actions that are related to their transgressions such as shooting down helicopters and boats that are going after the tankers. They'll probably start mining the Straight of Hormuz but let them know that any mines found are going to cost them military equipment, and any mines that damage a ship is going to cost them a lot.
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