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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Not so fast. I'm an old white man who experienced racism back in the day when I had to outrun two black guys who were chasing me down the street and over the bank in North Bergen, NJ.
  2. I never thought of you as a slow learner...…………...
  3. That's not true, but you couldn't help yourself from twisting it a little more, could you?
  4. If this was from someone else I would just think that they were trying to emulate Crayonz, but knowing it's from you, it's real.
  5. Quit your horseshit. I haven't been responding to you because you are "one of those posters". You subtly twist things and draw people into a long discussion with statements like the above. We know Trump can't be charged as a sitting president. If Mueller thought he was guilty of something there was nothing against him coming right out and saying so.
  6. The illegality here was not accepting dirt or hiring someone to dig up dirt. It was misrepresenting the dug up dirt as being vetted and using it as the basis to get a warrant and using law enforcement against an opposing campaign.
  7. It hasn't played out yet. Are you suggesting that we let China continue to walk all over us and steal our intellectual property? This reminds me of the old argument about opening up new oil fields. "It would take too long to bring that oil to market"!
  8. I'm not sure that's spelled right. You could probably ask Tiberius, I'm sure he would know.
  9. No, at that time the surge had settled things down and things were relatively quiet. It was a few years prior to that everyone was up in arms due to the lack of new WMD's found in Iraq, and the poor planning for after the military victory.
  10. You can't show how or where the Russians hacked into the election, can you?
  11. You should be able to back up your speculation. Please be specific.
  12. I saw this earlier today and it is certainly despicable. It will be interesting to see if it is brought up in the upcoming debates to get rid of and humiliate De Blasio.
  13. Obama wanted someone who he thought he could convince to make a deal with Hamas and the PA. In other words, throw Israel under the bus for his own legacy. On the one hand, the Obama administration was the most opaque administration in memory but also the most transparent. (You could see right through them).
  14. Gee, what president interfered with Israeli elections in 2016? https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/12/obama-admin-sent-taxpayer-money-oust-netanyahu/ The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday. Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign — all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report.
  15. Obama gave their sworn enemy, who happens to be the world's largest supporter of terrorism $1, 800,000,000 in cash and released $150,000,000,000 that Iran used some or all of to promote terrorism. As usual Obama took a shortcut for legacy purposes and made matters worse. If he had held firm and kept the sanctions going the Iran question would most likely have been already settled.
  16. Fox News actually has a news department and separates its journalists from its commentators. Much of its coverage is pretty straight up news while Hannity and Carlson are nothing more than conservative talk show hosts and make no bones about it. Shepard Smith is really a lefty and inserts that into what is claimed to be a news program. The MSM mixes their news with their commentary and one has to be very, very careful to listen and evaluate what you hear.
  17. Except your occasional posts here belie that. Leftists believe that the government should control things like wages and pensions*. You seem unhappy and need a culprit to blame that on. Good luck. *Going the way of the doo doo bird
  18. Just how did they hack into election systems?
  19. Travis Henry never slipped on a rubber or even took one out of the package.
  20. You and your buddy, Bobby McGee probably are well qualified to be deranged moron judges.
  21. A nationwide federal minimum wage is ridiculous. If we're going to let the federal government decide what is good for everyone than we might just as well get rid of the various states.
  22. Do you consider illegal aliens Americans?
  23. Barr's letter is to help Mueller in his ability to refuse to expound upon what is in the report.
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