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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Chief Manufacturing Officer to solve our trade and manufacturing issues. He/she will probably need an advisory group. Central Planning Committee maybe?
  2. Don't knock him he's one fine plagiarist. Oh, and he sings "The Villages" song better than Foster Brooks and was the model for Jeff Dunham's "Walter".
  3. I think he is gay. The entertainer he's seeing seems like a prop to me.
  4. So, Amy Klobuchar raised $17,000 for her first Senate race from ex boyfriends? She also claims that her average donation is less than $30.00. Busier than Gleeful Gator on Fake Ladies Night at Bob n Mike's place.
  5. Anytime something is handed out for free it instantly becomes less valuable than something that is worked for and earned.
  6. Stop right now. No football talk at PPP. It's too divisive.
  7. The inventor of that hover board that failed to cross the Channel was a Frenchman and he had a military grant to design it, at least that's what I've been told. Something seemed not quite right from the beginning. Since when is someone going to invent something for the French Military that can't go in reverse?
  8. If I remember correctly we tried to convince the Russkies to stick to the treaty. When they did not we informed them we were canceling it and gave them notice. There was plenty of time for them to convince us that they would stick to it and change our minds. Worthless, one-sided treaties are worse than having none at all.
  9. https://dailycaller.com/2016/05/01/anti-trump-protesters-show-their-true-colors-with-mexican-flags/ But the resulting protest showed a more honest side to many within the pro-immigration movement. Brandishing Mexican flags and burning American flags sends a clear message as to which national identity the demonstrators prefer. It’s worth noting that the vast majority of the California demonstrators were young people, an ominous sign that the children of immigrants aren’t assimilating into America’s national fabric. Rather, they are keeping alive their allegiance to the country only a few miles to the south. A testament to the dramatic decline of America’s ability to assimilate recent migrants, for sure. However, the California demonstrations repudiate the notion that the American national character of abstraction can inspire new arrivals. Obviously, these anti-Trump protesters enjoy all the opportunities afforded by living in this country. They don’t appear to take issue with the American way of life; otherwise, they’d be back in Mexico. But they do favor Mexican national identity over American national identity. To them, it represents their family, their heritage and their history. America is just a place where they make money. As is always the case outside of libertarian theories, culture trumps economic concerns when it comes to issues of the heart. America as a nation-state, apparently, inspires no feelings of loyalty or attachment among these activists. And it’s not like you can blame Trump for this alienation. There’s been multiple instances of Mexican immigrants expressing their preferred national identity within the confines of the United States. In 1998 and 2011, Mexican immigrants booed the national anthem during soccer matches between the U.S. and Mexico Men’s soccer teams — that took place in the U.S. During the 2006-07 legislative debate over granting amnesty to illegal aliens, supporters of the proposal marched through several American cities proudly waving Mexican flags with hardly any American ones in sight. It should be a disturbing sight to see these kinds of demonstrations in our cities, but maybe we should expect them when our elites offer new arrivals a national character that is nothing more than a celebration of economic opportunity. Everyone believes in that, and it’s not particularly unique to the American experience. More importantly, it is not enough to bind the citizenry together in unity. Fortunately, America does have a national identity that is more than an abstraction. It’s just that our historical Anglo character is no longer in vogue among our elites and they’d rather think our country was formed out of thin air. As indicated by the displays at the anti-Trump riots, people will always choose the identity that can win over their heart. And it wasn’t “America as an idea,” which seems to only make D.C. policy wonks swoon. In the short-term, the riots will likely bolster Trump’s appeal. In the long-term, it portends to a future where millions of young people think of America with contempt as they cling to their native land and culture. Imagine our national unity in a country like that.
  10. Are you trying to say that there aren't a lot of immigrants who don't want to make the USA like their country of origin?
  11. He obviously has no respect for his Mama, stepping on the crack like that.
  12. I sorta prefer "Master" but then again she wants me to call her "Mistress Sophie" in return.
  13. Sounds like he hurt you in some way. Want to talk about it? It helps to let it out.
  14. If the House dems can call John Dean to testify then most anything is possible.
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