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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. That's what many here hear. Understand this, you are not original. Other people have tried to do the same thing.
  2. Probably be a little easier to set up shop this time around.
  3. 3rd Chair, in a competition for the PPP MT Chair Award.
  4. All you do is deflect. Rioting in 140 cities just over the George Floyd fentanyl death?
  5. His law office asked him if he'd like to become their "cleaner". He responded with "you know I'm no Ray Donovan but I'll do the best I can". The managing partner responded "don't worry, just be here at 8:00 pm Monday thru Friday and bring your own cleaning supplies".
  6. This stuff isn't even up to date but 3rd Chair still makes ridiculous claims that nothing wayward has happened in our cities. What a clown. https://thefederalist.com/2020/08/19/death-toll-rises-to-an-estimated-30-victims-since-mostly-peaceful-protests-began/ https://spectator.org/minneapolis-500-million-property-damage-riots-protests-police/ https://www.foxnews.com/politics/george-floyd-protests-expensive-civil-disturbance-us-history But losses stemming from the Floyd protests are likely to far exceed that. In Minneapolis, where some 400 businesses were damaged, owners and insurance experts estimate costs of the damage to exceed $500 million, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. “I am confident to say we will be seeing collectively more substantial losses than we have seen in these single city incidents,” said CEO Sean Kevelighan with the Insurance Information Institute. Nationwide, Floyd related protests and riots lasted 3 weeks in 140 U.S. cities, including Washington, D.C., New York; Chicago, Philadelphia and Los Angeles. By June 4 at least 40 cities in 23 states had imposed curfews. High-end boutiques in Beverly Hills and New York like Gucci and Chanel were looted, luxury stores in Santa Monica and big box retailers like Target and Macy’s across the US have suffered tens of millions in losses. PORTLAND POLICE ARREST 8 DURING WEEKEND PROTEST, FIND ANTI-POLICE ‘KILL ALL COPS’ GRAFFITI ON BUILDINGS The National Guard were called in at least 21 states. David Weiss owns Lone Wolf Cigars in Los Angeles. One store in Santa Monica was destroyed on the second day of protests in Los Angeles. He hired private security to guard his second location the following week. "The Santa Monica location was completely decimated, ravaged. Nothing to be salvaged," Weiss said standing inside a second his store in West L.A. “This is our Alamo. It's a last stand. If I don't stand here, my kids don't have a way to eat. My staff doesn't have a way to eat, pay rent. We don't have a choice.” Consider this sampling of costs outside insured losses: In California, the state general services department says it spent $2 million repairing state buildings, from boarding up windows to repairing granite and removing graffiti. The state also spent over $38.2 million in California Highway Patrol overtime costs and $25 million deploying the National Guard.
  7. I gave you examples of a few who are at least somewhat respected and you change that to those are the only liberals here with ideas that I respect and would consider. See, you have no intentions of discussing anything in an honest way.
  8. I give you examples to prove you wrong and you run to a different tact. Not only are you always wrong but you run from it temporarily when it suits you. You'll be back spewing the sameoldshit again though. You're a clown.
  9. Telling, isn't it? You might want to check the post counts though. Seems like most of them would top your's by a rather wide margin.
  10. Of course they aren't. I might have misread your confused mind but I was referring to liberals who get some respect around here because they show a capacity to think. You don't.
  11. Kay Adams, Doc Brown, TPS and once in a while Alph, just to name a few.
  12. Posts like this only confirm what I just posted about you in the PPP on fire thread. You're a clown and you prove it with every post.
  13. It's posters like you that add nothing but disdain for your politics. Do you actually think your clown show is going to convince anybody of anything? There are liberal posters here who are treated with respect and their ideas are considered. They actually think rather than spout talking points and obvious falsities. PPP is alt-right because of the poor job you and your ilk do in representing the liberal view.
  14. Intuition, a feeling, something you said. Who knows? It's not something I can put my finger on and that's why I kept my mouth shut. Now that you have declared yourself someone that wants to disband PPP because you don't like the politics your true colors are apparent. Stay in your own lane.
  15. These are not our house rules: Last thing I rememberI was running for the doorI had to find the passage backTo the place I was before"Relax", said the night man"We are programmed to receiveYou can check out any time you likeBut you can never leave" You can leave whenever you want. We're free like that.
  16. Splitting hairs, eh? No entire cities have been destroyed but whole sections of them have been ruined. People's livelihoods have been eliminated and their spirits crushed. In the meantime, Kamala Harris tells a lowlife who assaulted a woman many times, stole her car and was in the process of abducting her children and gets shot while grabbing for a knife to inflict harm on LE that she "IS PROUD OF HIM". BTW, Kamala Harris is a Joe Biden heartbeat away from possibly being our next president and Commander-in-Chief.
  17. I had you pegged as a liberal basically the moment you started posting in the pandemic thread. There's nothing wrong with posting liberal thoughts here and backing them up with at least something resembling coherent thought. The problem is with the trolls who just happen to be nearly all Leftists who continually repeat the same crap over and over. Getting rid of PPP doesn't improve TBD, it makes it worse. Getting rid of bad trolls improves PPP and TBD. The key is to figure out who are the bad trolls vs. who are the good trolls. Jimmy Spags and the poster who used to be called Ieatcrayonz (before he became a has been) are good trolls. People who denigrate other posters for taking care of their elderly mother with dementia or tell posters that they just had sex with their wife have no place here. A shunning list should be limited to truly bad trolls, not those that have a liberal bent.
  18. You made me feel so guilty until I remembered that I'm in a class of people who can't jump and certainly can't dance. DWTS won't even take my application and my NBA career was over before college. Do realize what it's like to forever be told I'm a guy with great "motor"?
  19. In 2019 there were 9 unarmed black people killed by police while 19 unarmed white people were also killed by police.
  20. It's $25 per autograph. Send me a self addressed, stamped envelope and a simple program or such. BTW footballs are $10 extra.
  21. Golf is a game in which the player regulates himself and it is required of him to report any violations of the rules by himself or others. Roller Derby is like "professional" wrestling and allows for such genteel actions as eye gouging and ear biting.
  22. Think of it as playing golf rather than roller derby.
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