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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. But do you get a second item with no shipping costs, just a separate charge?
  2. No, but if you thought I was referring to you as a douche then so be it. Read through the last couple of pages and you'll see who else was trying to get in on your bet.
  3. I can see Antifa joining with PETA and protesting the garbage cleanup by claiming they're stealing the rat's food.
  4. Big McDouche is asking someone to make a bet with him. A warning to everyone: he doesn't honor his bets. He made a statement that if anyone could guess a secret about him that he would go away from PPP and never return. I guessed his secret (that he was not Canadian) and he admitted that was the secret. He lied and never left.
  5. The Deep State and the dems would be very happy with Sue Gordon, Coate's deputy. The Resistance is still strong.
  6. I guess he thought that confessing to an anonymous board would assuage his conscience, but we just couldn't condone that kind of thing here.
  7. Regardless of color, he's a White Nationalist Capitalistic Pig.
  8. This is like asking what came first, the chicken or the egg? Anyway, good thread topic.
  9. I would certainly hope that the OP of the old thread would get some help. His confession to this board was chilling to say the least. Deleting that thread will not erase his guilt.
  10. Do you live near the coast where you can easily dispose them?
  11. What a chickenshit move by the person who deleted the old Epstein thread. I'm not a person that supports banning but this would seem to be the exception. BTW, the OP who erased this doesn't speak, he meows.
  12. I have a MAGA hat. One of 6 that I bought for myself and relatives back before the 2016 election. I have never worn it because there is no purpose to causing idiots to confront me. If someone tries to poll me I'll decline to do so. I'm confident that I'll be quietly celebrating in November of 2020. I wonder how many others feel this way?
  13. In other words people, calm down. Thisshit takes time and is all interdependent so it naturally is subject to delays. What's important is that we get it right. Have a beer, or for youins on the west coast, have a Mimosa or Bloody Mary and sit back.
  14. My biggest complaint regarding him. Any good points he makes are overshadowed by his constant repeat of those points and his talking over his guests. I like the Mark Levin approach...……...get good guests and let them talk.
  15. There's a reason that clip is only 20 seconds long. There were numerous Muslim countries that could not provide any info on their people and Obama had those countries on the list Trump came up with for a temporary ban. That ban was eventually held up by the SC.
  16. The Democrat Party could just as easily be called the Forked Tongue Party. It's nominee has to say one thing to become the nominee but has to change that stance to win the general election. The difference between Trump and his Republican predecessors is that Trump is not afraid of calling the Forked Tongue Party out. The FTP has boxed themselves into positions of being an honest socialist or a lying party.
  17. Biden's stance on illegal immigration last night will never fly within the party.
  18. Gaffs do matter, especially to the guy in drag out fishing on a sailboat. Gaffes are what you are searching for.
  19. I was saving my crassness card for the inevitable debate regarding Kirsten Gillibrand: Does she or doesn't she?
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