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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. From your link: “One reason conservatives are so happy and [l]efists are so miserable is that capitalists need friends,” wrote Evan Sayet. “They need business partners and investors, trading partners and customers so satisfied they come back again and again. “The socialist needs enemies,” Sayet went on. “There must be people who hate him and oppress him. If he’s not hated and oppressed then socialism doesn’t exist. “If he [the socialist] can’t find any such hatred, he’s forced to make it up,” Sayet continued. “‘Dog whistles’ – he knows what you’re REALLY saying – and ‘micro-aggressions’ are all invented nonsense because this ‘oppression’ simply MUST be true or else there’s no socialist movement (and no free things.)” Sayet concluded: “The socialist doesn't need to work well with others because he doesn't work. What he needs is an excuse to justify his theft.”
  2. The show draws you right to it, now doesn't it?
  3. Please fix the title of this thread. We all already know you are ignorant, why broadcast that fact?
  4. https://www.growforagecookferment.com/mead-recipes/ Homemade mead (honey wine) is probably one of my favorite fermented beverages to make. It’s a simple and inexpensive way to produce your own tasty homebrew. I put together this awesome list of easy mead recipes so that you can have access to all of them in one place! If you want to learn more about making mead, I have a Simple Mead Making for Beginners eBook just for you! It has ingredient and equipment checklists and detailed instructions for brewing and bottling your mead. Be sure to check it out if you’re new to the mead making process and want a more detailed guide.
  5. So, you are advocating eliminating a free press? Short of that it may be possible to tweak our libel laws in order to hold our press to at least a modicum of the truth.
  6. It's funny, but it's almost as if you want to get something considered conservative accomplished then you need a democrat president to do it. A democrat president would have the support of his party and the media and enough conservatives to get it done Think Clinton and welfare reform in the mid 90's. A conservative president would need a majority in the House and a super majority in the Senate to get a law passed over the opposition democrats and any RINO republicans.
  7. What does it take to make you laugh, HAHA Gator? Oh, I think I know.
  8. I just read through this thread and I think that it is getting off track. The weather comments, apples to brush your teeth and irregularity were promising topics but somehow a few people here thinking discussing domestic terrorism with an amoeba is a worthwhile pastime. True fact: Wegman's is putting whole lobster on sale starting 8-9-19 through Sunday for $6.99 a pound. Does anyone have any special recipes for preparing and cooking whole lobster?
  9. The USA has had an unfair trade relationship with China for decades. Our trade deficit with them is in the hundreds of billions annually. They steal our intellectual property and make it difficult to sell our products to them. Trump is the first President to try to even the scales. Long term, we hold the cards here but that's only true if we have the cahones to not get bluffed. If we cave into China's demands then they'll certainly overtake us not only as the world's super power but as the economic leader of the planet. Our vast energy resources and immense agricultural capacity coupled with our free society and intellectual abilities put us in the cat perch, but only if we choose to sit there.
  10. Jrober is a liberal Canadian simply trying to keep you occupied debating nonsense with him in order to divert you from more important investigation and discussion. That's his MO the few times he has come down here. Ignore him.
  11. Are hollow points illegal in all USA states? Would an active shooter worry if they were illegal? My understanding that I posted goes back to the Vietnam War. That was right about the time the Forces were switching from the M-14 to the M-16. The M-16 was lighter and so was its ammunition. Its effectiveness was that upon impact the bullet would change course or even fragment causing possible injury to multiple organs. It's ineffectiveness was that the weapon was often used in virtual jungle and if the bullet hit minor brush or a twig it could be knocked off line. The first part of your post I agree with.
  12. Yes, they can probably wait longer than Trump but can they wait longer than the USA? That's the question here.
  13. Let there be no doubt that the Democrat Party survives on being able to wrap the Republican Party up in issues that the Democrats have no intention or desire to solve. They need the issues because they don't have the ability to actually govern. Their issues are the only thing that gives them a chance to be in power. At least the Republicans are oriented towards solving problems.
  14. I know they grow there. Why was China buying them from us in the first place? If China was convinced that Trump would win reelection then we would already have a deal with them. If Trump does not win then we'd better have someone win that will pretty much follow the same policies as far as trade goes. This trade correction had to be made. The theft of intellectual property has to be stopped.
  15. What if China loses much of its manufacturing base to countries like Vietnam and we purchase our cheap Walmart products from them? We are an important market for China and our agriculture products are needed. After all, soybeans do not grow on trees.
  16. In no way am I an expert on firearms but it is my understanding that ammunition used in an AR-15 (.223) and other weapons such as the M-16 is built to tumble upon hitting the target. That's one of the reasons it is used in the military, it's point of impact can be a person's shoulder and it's exit can be their hip. That's a lot of damage done to someone's internal organs. The restriction of ammunition may be an avenue to pursue. Regardless, if I were President I would appoint a bipartisan commission to study the problem of gun violence with time limits on a recommendation. This would be a way to possibly come up with better ways of dealing with it but also take the heat off politically by removing another democrat issue.
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