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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. If you look close enough you'll notice she's buying white bread. Yes, white bread, not pumpernickel or rye. She won't even reach down to grab the honey wheat Thomas English Muffins.
  2. Way too clever for the artist formerly known as "Tom".
  3. It amazes me that anyone as ignorant of the subject as Promo would choose to even discuss the matter without taking the approach of educating themselves first.
  4. I suggest you read through this thread so you educate yourself rather than make yourself seem foolish.
  5. I used to be the one that thought we as a society had advanced beyond such atrocities as child rape/slavery, infanticide and anything goes politics. Of course there was always the odd exception of the rare sick human that would diddle the 10-year old or set a cat on fire but what we're seeing today is beyond comprehension. Some people celebrate that we are living in the best of times because everyone has a smart phone and backup cameras come standard on our new cars. I fear we have lost our individual compasses and are traveling down paths that will lead us to our own destruction.
  6. And I bet they tell you "it's not you, it's me" too.
  7. I'm not turned off by Canada's lakes, mountains and pretty forests. It's their exports like Bieber and the insects.
  8. Gugny's annual begging for other people's meat. Gotta hand it to him, he knows what to do with it!
  9. I wasn't referring to guns just now but I was denigrating Canada for the sole purpose of showing what amount of pussiness consumes jrober, the Ugly Canadian.
  10. For some strange reason I tend to be suspicious of the MSM reluctance to publish the entire manifesto and just feed us excerpts. Not that I have a reason to distrust them of course.
  11. Canadians are jealous of the U.S. Not only do they live a sheltered life in their nanny state but they realize that they do so under our protection. Some of them denigrate us because they can't accept America as their real daddy.
  12. They don't really do much of the work unless there are peculiar problems. They just basically show up at the closing and explain the work their paralegal did to their client. The divorce attorney truly was an asswhole and I ripped into him for being so. I had another attorney (husband of a judge) suggest that I forge a signature on a check.
  13. Usually I've found that the gator level stupid settles in when the lawyer tries his/her hand at an area that they are not familiar with. I once had a well known divorce attorney with a hard-ass reputation attempt to represent a lady at a real estate closing. As the attorney for the buyer it was his responsibility to do most of the paperwork. Well, his office messed it up but when that was pointed out, he immediately went into attack mode and tried to belittle the attorney for the seller. I guess he thought real estate closings were supposed to be adversarial.
  14. jrober is a Canadian. Generally speaking they're ok to discuss football or hockey with but it's a rare Canadian that has any real knowledge of politics. They live in a nanny state where everything is actually done for them. We even protect them and they look to us as their daddy. What little rugged individualism they may have once had has been surrendered for "free" healthcare and a barcalounger.
  15. Is it true that if only female sperm is used to impregnate a female then all offspring will be female? Will Celine Dion become popular again? Toilet seats will become stationary? All colors will be pastel?
  16. PETA stands up for rats. https://www.peta.org/issues/wildlife/living-harmony-wildlife/rats/ Solving Conflicts Compassionately Rat-proofing a building is the only sure way to deter rats. Killing them will only cause other rats to move into the newly available spaces. After rat-proofing your building, give the remaining animals a chance at life by live-trapping and releasing them outdoors.
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