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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Thought it might be good to have a thread for the ever increasing protests. Had a good chuckle a few minutes ago when a Fox reporter mentioned "the one ***** in China's armor".
  2. If I remember correctly the Bills 1st team defense gave up 27 yards and 1 first down well into the 2nd quarter. Common sense would say the defense played pretty well.
  3. Yes, but in order to go after the employers they have to prove that they hired illegal aliens.
  4. It's going to be tight but it looks like the hooker and coke money just might last me that long if I go with "no bump Mondays".
  5. Bill Clinton was the actual winner. Not only did he pick the day and hour but he had it down to the minute. How clairvoyant of him.
  6. There is a delineation between hard news reporters and opinion/commentators on Fox while that is not true on CNN & MSNBC. Fox brings on Democrats often. The real leftists will not come on Fox because they know their ideas cannot stand up to any hard questioning. They need the softballs they'll get from CNN & MSNBC.
  7. They are going to go after the employers. They first must determine how many illegals the employers are hiring.
  8. You don't understand. The "Clinton Bedroom" has a rich and hallowed history much like the "Lincoln Bedroom". The Lincoln Bedroom is haunted by Abe himself while the Clinton Bedroom will forever be haunted by the screams of 14 year old girls being sexually abused by Willy, and other Willies. Clinton actually learned from his little bit of sex that was not sex with Monica and makes sure to wipe things down, like with a cloth. Hillary showed him how. No disparagement of LE. Just commenting on how boring Suicide Watch must be for the guard.
  9. Yes, but only after he spent a decade as a neurosurgeon and also parted the Bering Strait so North America could be populated.
  10. Yes, but it does tarnish Danny Ocean's image to get a BJ from that hag. He should have passed her off to Reuben.
  11. Who says they're not? We're dealing with people who have broken our laws and entered our country illegally and then force us to play Hide and Seek with them. Do you actually think we wouldn't let enough people into the U.S. legally to fill these jobs?
  12. It's an illusion. Hint: the water isn't moving.
  13. She meant to tell the fleet to "damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead" but her teleprompter was on the fritz and I heard she was frustrated because she couldn't remember her lines, and told them to "do what you usually do".
  14. DR's link mentioned that 2 of Epstein's lawyers hired criminal defense attorneys. My immediate thought was that they might be able to help themselves by breaking that attorney/client confidence now that Epstein is dead.
  15. With Epstein dead, I wonder if that relieves his attorneys from adhering to attorney/client relationship as far as confidentiality goes?
  16. The problem with mass shootings and violence in our inner cities has nothing to do with our gun laws. Changing gun laws won't change the amount of shootings. Our problems are the disintegration of the family and moral fiber of our populace. This is exacerbated by the Left and MSM pushing to bring about change in our time tested standards. We can now identify as a woman if we choose, just ignore that dicky thing. We can go take a dump in your daughters bathroom. I can insist that you call me anything I want. We even have a Democrat presidential candidate that checks off a box because he is gay. It's a slippery slope we're on and I personally don't see an easy way off of it.
  17. Ha! No human may be illegal but that two tone hair color job on her looks to belong on a 1978 Ford station wagon.
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