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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Years ago I was heading south on the highway and instead of turning left to go to Haddonfield I turned into Camden on a city street. I literally feared for my life and I'm sure I broke a law or two getting turned around and the hell out of there.
  2. China gets tariffs thrown at them so they devalue their currency to make their product more competitive. Then they cut off purchasing our agricultural products in return. So, we sell our soybeans to Canada and they resell them to China.
  3. Years ago, my brother who is white, made the mistake of exiting the interstate in the wrong place and soon found himself in the ghetto driving a Lexus SUV. A cop pulled him over and actually asked him what the Hell was he doing in this neighborhood. My brother told him that he made a wrong turn. The cop told him that he had no business being there and that he would give him an escort to the interstate on ramp. Nice town that Philadelphia.
  4. Since no cops are dead did you have to take back any laughter?
  5. China is in a pretty dicey situation. They would rather deal with any of the democrats than Trump after 2020. We hold the upper hand at present, but if Trump wins it will be even more so. China will be watching polls and whatever to try to guess how that election is going to go and if it looks like Trump will win they won't be able to make a deal fast enough.
  6. Maybe if it all melts we'll be able to see those fossilized palm trees that they also found in Greenland.
  7. Why is Stacey Abrams in consideration for any national office? What qualities and experience does she possess?
  8. When are you going to learn to check your facts before posting? Of the 680 that were detained 300 were released pending a court date. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49283157 ICE spokesman Bryan Cox told the BBC that, of the 680 people arrested in Wednesday's raids, more than 300 had been released with notices to appear before immigration judges. "They were placed into proceedings before the federal immigration courts and will have their day in court at a later date," he said in an emailed statement. Those who were not released will be moved to an ICE detention facility and held there, Mr Cox said. About 30 of the people detained were released on humanitarian grounds, the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Mississippi said. Mr Cox said those arrested were asked if they had any dependents needing care or if they had any children at school who needed to be picked up. They were given access to phones at the processing site to make arrangements to care for their children. He said those with childcare issues were "expeditiously processed and returned". In response to critics who called the raids cruel and harmful to the workers' children, Mr Cox said the agency had directed two Homeland Security Investigations employees to notify schools of the operation and provide contact details for any children whose parents did not pick them up. "This agency took extensive steps in planning for this operation to take special care of situations involving adults who may have childcare situations or children at school at the time of their arrest."
  9. "Hope and Change" is the equivalent of "Abrakadabra". It means nothing. The only specifics the dems have are pie in the sky proposals that are economically impossible.
  10. It's called "fresh meat" but this one might have been left out in the sun a little too long.
  11. One could presume that poor David isn't making high enough monthly payments to even reduce the principle. If he has that much student debt then he should certainly be able to earn enough to pay it back.
  12. My first career I was in Plant Management in food plants, not slaughterhouses though. We basically took the product from the meat and poultry places and used it in our finished product. I've picked up some knowledge of them vicariously and yes, they are messy. Once past the slaughterhouse stage the conditions are fairly good. The plants that I worked in/ran were by their very nature pristine with the exception of accidents or spills.
  13. You are either very wrong or you don't know how to say what you are trying to say. FIFY
  14. Meat & Poultry plants are not hot and dirty. They are inspected by the USDA and OSHA in addition to any state and local inspections. Dick Durbin is an idiot.
  15. A good example is the Bundy Ranch standoff. While the government could have tried to solve it by bringing in tanks and bombing the protesters they of course couldn't do that without being ripped apart by the U.S. citizens. Just the fact that Bundy's neighbors came to his rescue with weapons made the government back down and not take his cattle.
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