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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Yep. The Obamas got their pallet(s) of cash too. I wonder if they pulled off a similar fraudulent scheme as they did when purchasing their Chicago home?
  2. I use Google Earth frequently and the images do get distorted if you are not looking straight down. In addition, what are the circles on that patch of ground sans the tennis court?
  3. https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2019/08/the-culture-that-is-san-francisco.html The words “felon,” “offender,” “convict,” “addict” and “juvenile delinquent” would be part of the past in official San Francisco parlance under new “person first” language guidelines adopted by the Board of Supervisors. Going forward, what was once called a convicted felon or an offender released from jail will be a “formerly incarcerated person,” or a “justice-involved” person or simply a “returning resident.” Parolees and people on criminal probation will be referred to as a “person on parole,” or “person under supervision.” A juvenile “delinquent” will become a “young person with justice system involvement,” or a “young person impacted by the juvenile justice system.” And drug addicts or substance abusers will become “a person with a history of substance use.” “We don’t want people to be forever labeled for the worst things that they have done,” Supervisor Matt Haney said. The resolution is non-binding, was not signed by the mayor, and it is not clear it will be implemented. Here is the full article. What's next, we have to call HAHA Gator a "clump of fecal matter" rather than a POS?
  4. I just tried to post that article on FB and it wouldn't let me. No official notice it just was all gobblygook.
  5. Is that Klingon? Maybe this can be a whole new career for you as a translator. Did he forget that they already did that during the Obama administration?
  6. Our biggest issues at present are coming out on top in trade disputes with China and the EU and our stances against Iran and North Korea. Getting our deficits under control are important but highly unlikely if we don't solve these other issues.
  7. Make sure you get it set up for natural gas so that you won't feel guilty for getting the big V-8.
  8. Another example of sarcasm @reddogblitz: 7,041 Veteran Members 7,041 5,575 posts Location:New York State Report post Posted 10 minutes ago Sure thing, toots. I'll take your opinion into consideration.
  9. TH3 is certainly talking down to BG. How is the rest of the world's economy going? What are their interest rates like? If ours are higher what will that do to our economy?
  10. That's rather misogynistic of you. BTW, learn the difference between your and you're. Think worldwide economy.
  11. Even a Canadian realizes he can't suck from our teet if he's too far away.
  12. Well, in Tibby's defense he's living up to your expectations, isn't he?
  13. "All about the benjamins statement was accusing congressmen of being paid off by Israel to vote in favor of friendly policies.
  14. I'll point it out when it occurs. It is true that sometimes it is difficult to ascertain sarcasm but in a forum like PPP it's pretty easy amongst the regulars to recognize sarcasm. Edit: This is an example of easily recognizable sarcasm: Ryan Saavedra ✔ @RealSaavedra Media: Trump's an anti-Semite because he views Israel as a top ally and thinks U.S. should be loyal to its ally and thinks Jews should not vote for a party that hates them Also media: Omar/Tlaib are not anti-Semites for promoting the destruction of Israel (BDS) & demonizing Jews 382 2:17 PM - Aug 21, 2019 Twitter Ads info and privacy
  15. Some people need to use emojies to convey the fact that they are attempting sarcasm while others are adept at using sarcasm in such a way that they leave no doubt. ShadyBillsFan4Ever needs to go to sarcasm school.
  16. Problems amongst the Jewish community go way back. I became aware of them when Al Kaline was in his heyday. There was a barnstorming Acidic Jew team that came for an exhibition game with Al and his Detroit Tigers. Right from the start they disagreed over the length of the game. The Tigers wanted to play a full nine inning game but the Acidic Jews, who are lazy by nature, only wanted to play 5 innings. They finally compromised on 7.0 innings when it was agreed that Al Kaline would sit out but be allowed to PH. True story.
  17. The USA is leading the world in reduction of carbon emissions. No signatory to the Paris Accord has even come close to matching our progress. The catalyst to that improvement is our increased use of natural gas. While China opens up more coal mines we are doing our part by using clean energy. Meanwhile, the Left gets their panties all in a wad over straws and water bottles.
  18. Here me out now. It is my understanding that those are TSWisms.
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