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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Zebras can't change their stripes.
  2. You've graduated to "Childish Clown". What a waste of a supposed education. You've allowed yourself to become a narrow thinker, incapable of independent thought.
  3. Your response is nothing more than a surrender, acknowledging that you have nothing to really say. How does it feel to be a minion of an MT Chair?
  4. The Woodward tapes showed nothing more than what was said publicly at the time. This is just another manufactured crises created by the Left to try to denigrate Trump. If you are truly an attorney I would consider you an educated person. It's a shame when "educated" crosses paths with "dumb as a rock" and the rock wins. Your TDS is what determines your thinking. It is the driving force of all of your opinions. If I had to compare you with someone it would be Harry Reid. Think on that.
  5. Trump made things so political while the poor innocent loyal opposition was just trying to get through their Unity Impeachment Trial? What a crockofshit. The dems have been fighting Trump tooth and nail for the last 4 years. They've used every dirty trick and lie possible to bring him down and now the deeply partisan tone is all his fault? "There are none so blind as those who refuse to see".
  6. Yes, initially China had us fooled. Maybe if we had more spies on the ground there we could have confirmed what was going on a little sooner. Shall we talk about what actions depleted our in country espionage in China?
  7. Look up the concept of federalism. Then read about Nancy Pelosi's visit to Chinatown in SF on 2-24-20. After that, look up what Cuomo and De Blasio were saying in March as it pertained to going out to dinner and the theater. Look up what Cuomo did with the NYS stash of ventilators in 2015. Then when NYS was deep in the throes of the virus look up the fabulous things Cuomo was saying about the federal government's response to it. After that is done, check on what Cuomo ordered people that still were contagious to do as it pertains to nursing homes. While you are at it, consider all of the hospital beds that were unused in the Mercy ship and Javits Center, all provided by the federal government. You might want to also see what Dr. Fauci recently had to say about Trump's statements and performance in regards to fighting the virus. We were actually set up and attacked by China, sneaking this virus into our country (and elsewhere) while they simultaneously hoarded the protective equipment necessary to fight it. Trump mobilized the manufacture of protective equipment and ventilators much like FDR mobilized against Japan. The attacks on Trump are nothing more than seedy politics at its worst.
  8. Those gyms that were opened in gov't buildings were for gov't employees only. As far as lines go, the longer the better.
  9. https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/flashback-times-liberals-called-george-w-bush-nazi Over the past eight years, anyone who disagreed with Obama’s failed policies was called racist. But what happened prior to Obama being in the White House? Well, they called conservatives, President Bush and Republicans “Nazis.” What they are doing now is really nothing new; they are just using the same tired tactics they used before because they can’t have an honest discussion about policy, EVER. Regular Americans got tired of being called “racist” for simply disagreeing with Obama. Some nimrods on the left still claim that those who disagree with Obama’s (now proven to be FAILED) policies did so only because they are racist. These people are one of the reasons President Trump was elected. Now, the people who disagree with the left are being called Nazis, because the left can’t discuss policy nor can they have an honest discussion about Trump, Democrats, history or Republicans. They are hysterical and idiotic, and in the cases of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, violent. But the left has been making “Nazi” claims against Republicans and Republican Presidents for years, it’s nothing new, as The Federalist notes:
  10. You have no leg to stand on when accusing anyone else of hyperbole. You need to take a long look in the mirror.
  11. You don't have a clue. Why don't you look things up?
  12. Old news. California gyms in government building have been open for quite some time.
  13. Police scanner.
  14. No, Tom bowed out on his own and then returned under something like "The New and Improved DC Tom". Take that any way you like but its been said that he has become very fond of using the word "ciao".
  15. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=tom+petty+and+the+heartbreakers+don't+come+around+here+no+more&view=detail&mid=D5B37ECD9353BB4C659AD5B37ECD9353BB4C659A&FORM=VIRE0&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3dtom%2bpetty%2band%2bthe%2bheartbreakers%2bdon%27t%2bcome%2baround%2bhere%2bno%2bmore%26filters%3dufn%3a%22tom%2bpetty%2band%2bthe%2bheartbreakers%2bdont%2bcome%2baround%2bhere%2bno%2bmore%22%2bsid%3a%22ecc53100-cf5f-fee9-6f2d-e9764eb0ce11%22%2bcatguid%3a%22c22e790c-1777-d7e9-6c60-99a67656a26d_498707c2%22%2bsegment%3a%22generic.carousel%22%2bsecq%3a%22tom%2bpetty%2bsongs%2blist%22%2bpsid%3a%22c22e790c-1777-d7e9-6c60-99a67656a26d%22%2bsupwlcar%3a%220%22%2bsegtype%3a%22U29uZw%3d%3d%22%26FORM%3dSNG1CR
  16. What little you know. DC Tom (aka Tom the Petty) has been resurrected and when he is able to gain enough energy, he posts here. It's unfortunate, but he has been decimated and just a shadow of himself ever since he was told "Don't come around here no more".
  17. With his age I think it might be more like an 8-track season.
  18. Don't confuse lack of class with honesty.
  19. Have you noticed, everything about 3rd Chair is #2?
  20. While this former prestigious award has lost much of its prestige and glitter since Obama received it for saying nice words, should Trump receive it for his efforts and results to promote worldwide peace? Does he even care?
  21. Guess what? You don't get to make the rules. You're still a relative newbie who is on shaky ground, in line to be voted onto OUR list called the Irreverent Few.
  22. I've got that beat. Did you hear the one about the former VP who is running for President joking around with Ukraine officials about firing their chief prosecutor in order to receive 1 billion in loan guarantees from the U.S.? It had them all in stitches.
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