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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Duke Williams had a little Terrell Owens in him tonight. We have an extra legitimate wide receiver or two on our present roster.
  2. He needs a loop hole like you need another asswhole.
  3. Play him the 1st half and the first series of the 3rd quarter. It's football and he needs the reps.
  4. Looks like it could be a couple hundred...……..her biggest rally yet.
  5. He was one of the victims...………………………………..he says.
  6. David Koch was a great philanthropist, giving away 100's 1.3 billion of his own money to worthy causes.
  7. Don't get your panties in a wad. The USA is in the catbird's seat and just needs to show patience. There is a reason we have a good economy while the rest of the world is struggling. We put tariffs on China and they put tariffs on our farm products and devalue their currency. We compensate our farmers and they sell their product to Canada or elsewhere and they sell it to China. A little inefficient but we can outlast China if we just stick to our guns. China's only hope is if they can outlast Trump and a democrat jellyfish gets elected.
  8. I'm working on one but priorities are priorities and I'm just finishing up my Infanticide trilogy. I'm looking for other jokes to go with "Infanticide is a horrific form of smotherly love." Any help I can get from you guys here to help me finish my trilogy means I can start the laugh train on the rainforest peccadillo. Off the top of my head I'm thinking I could sort of center it around a "fireside chat" theme.
  9. BMW and Mercedes would lose most of their American sales if we slapped big tariffs on them. Driving a Cadillac might become a status symbol once again. We might not have the most people but we are the biggest market for expensive toys. The EU should be kissing our ass a little.
  10. You may not respect the man but at least respect the office of Sashayer-in-Chief.
  11. CNN has just hired Andrew McCabe as a contributor. Yes, that Andrew McCabe.
  12. The one indication of prosperity that cannot be denied is wages. Wages have gone up under Trump where previously they were stagnant. Everything else is superfluous.
  13. I'll be there when I'm done with my smoke break!
  14. This is about more than the irrigated desert on our left coast. Other municipalities will be attempting the same thing and then where would we be discussing this? In the California thread? You Californians are all about yourself.
  15. You were actually somewhat more interesting when you were crusading for gay marriage. Weren't you John Adams then?
  16. I'm glad I ignored that Nigerian Prince's letter. Oooops, Sabrecrazed beat me to it.
  17. I just registered the name Atlantis and am taking bids from cities like Miami, New Orleans and Orlando to rename their cities before the waters come.
  18. She wanted a record of their conversation. This came about after they were treating her poorly.
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