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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I answered you but refused to argue over your cherry-picked nonsense.
  2. The problem is all of your different screen names are still Canadian and you couldn't even win an argument with yourself.
  3. Winning a trade war is to get free or fair trade between the opponents. Since China restricts their markets and steals our intellectual property simply getting things to be fair is a win for the USA. For China to win the trade war they would have to either keep the status quo or make it go further in their favor. We, as a country, are paying the price economically for the trade war. It would be so much easier to just let things continue going on. Trump has rightly chosen to take on China at this point in time because our economy was so strong and we could weather the storm much more easily than China. This need for a correction in our trade with China has been going on for decades. We finally have a President with a plan and the balls to implement it and a bunch of people with TDS but no balls get their panties all in a bunch over #orangemanbad. Sure, we're stealing China's innovations.
  4. Why does PPP's most ignorant poster make claims and then try to prove those claims with a link that is behind a paywall?
  5. Anyone that continuously links to sources that are behind a paywall needs to be considered as someone who posts fake news.
  6. The officer couldn't stand up to the pressure of serving on the "Jimmy Carter" and admitted that he had committed adultery in his mind and had lust in his heart for many women. This is the 3rd sailor that has been transferred off the Jimmy Carter for basically making the same statement. It used to be that the Bermuda Triangle was the only triangle that the Navy worried about.
  7. I think all reasonable people would agree that China has not traded fairly with us and steals our intellectual property. We need a fair trade deal with them. That would be considered winning the trade deal. Winning the trade war would make it easier to buy our stuff. Plenz, I have a suggestion for you that might help you overcome your TDS: Ask yourself each time it flairs up if Obama did the same thing, would I object?
  8. I'm thinking maybe we need to bring the House of Representatives into play to handle the crisis at our southern border.
  9. This I can tell you. If we are in a trade war with China and want to win, then China doing poorly is a necessity.
  10. Now that's a new kind of fallout. Math (the counting kind) seems to go no further with you than your toes and fingers.
  11. I really hate quoting you but what was the actual probe intended to find out? Have you lost sight of that?
  12. Comey was a 2nd rate J. Edgar Hoover. He tried to emulate him but wasn't competent enough.
  13. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/doj-inspector-general-releases-report-on-james-comey https://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/read-doj-watchdog-releases-report-on-comey-memos
  14. Trump was right when he said some people would get tired of all the winning.
  15. If only the democrats in Congress would recognize that their New Voters Initiative aka Open Borders Push is the antithesis of a free and orderly society. The wall wouldn't be as critical if Congress would act to pass the legislation that would discourage illegal entry and occupation of our country. Those on the left who are virtually exclusively democrat are placing party over country by refusing to act.
  16. He specializes in crayonz---wax on and then wax off. Very detail oriented.
  17. Even some are proteges of Bendini, Lambert, & Locke's accounting method.
  18. Pretty sure it was Bosnia. They wouldn't have escaped Chicago unscathed.
  19. Boardwalk Empire was pretty good up until the last episode or two.
  20. I'm pretty sure I do know what a leading question is and my question to you was meant to elicit a specific answer. Regardless, why are you showing me a picture of Atlantic City?
  21. He's an accountant with an evening job cleaning up Abby's lab.
  22. No, I know what it means. I was prompting you to think about whether or not any specific loans were cited. If it was just a general statement that Trump had loans that were cosigned by Russian oligarchs it would be pretty difficult to successfully sue.
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