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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Get ready for Democrats to adopt this mantra in 2020: Take him seriously, not literally. In reacting to the mass shooting in Texas over the weekend, Joe Biden told reporters that he knows more about the Second Amendment and the gun-control issue than Texas governor Greg Abbott. And he proved it by complaining about a lack of prohibition on “magazines that hold multiple bullets,” apparently unaware that magazines exist for precisely that purpose: https://hotair.com/archives/ed-morrissey/2019/09/03/biden-gotta-ban-magazines-hold-multiple-bullets-something/
  2. From your link: 5. The Benghazi attack cover-up* The terror attack at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, not only threatened the Obama-Biden administration narrative that they’d been crippling al Qaeda and making progress in the War on Terror, but it also threatened their reelection. So, they lied about it. They called it a spontaneous demonstration in order to hide the fact it was a pre-planned terror attack and that they were grossly incapable of defending themselves from such an attack. So, when Congress investigated, the Obama-Biden administration obstructed their investigation with vigor. They attempt to excuse their obstruction by saying they were launching their own internal investigation, which was a complete joke because we know how their internal investigations go. State Department employees weren't allowed to testify, and Hillary Clinton deleted thousands of subpoenaed emails. That’s called obstruction of justice. *HAHA Gator's biggest laugh. 4. Media spying scandals The media loved Obama, but Obama didn’t love them back. In fact, Obama abused the Espionage Act to target reporters and their sources. Less than six months into Obama’s second term we learned that his Justice Department secretly obtained two months of phone records of AP reporters and editors. One consequence of this Obama administration spying was that longtime sources stopped talking to the Associated Press and other news organizations. Obama’s Justice Department also secretly obtained then-Fox News reporter James Rosen’s phone records, tracked his movements, and read his emails while investigating possible leaks of classified information to Rosen for an article on North Korea’s nuclear program. Rosen was also threatened with jail time when the Obama Justice Department labeled him a “co-conspirator” with one of his sources who was charged with violating the Espionage Act of 1917 for leaking the information to Rosen. Another journalist, James Risen of the New York Times, was similarly treated as a co-conspirator with a government source indicted by the Obama administration under the Espionage Act. Risen was subpoenaed, and originally compelled to testify against one of his sources. 3. The Iran Ransom scandal A few short months after Obama had completed negotiations for the Iran Nuclear Deal, resulting in the lifting of sanctions and the unfreezing of billions in Iranian assets, the Obama administration made a shady payment to Iran in the amount of $400 million. The payment was made with foreign currency and done under the cover of night. The payment also coincided with the release of four hostages and was done completely in secret. Not even Congress knew about the payments or the hostage exchange. An investigation began, and, of course, it was met with obstruction by the Obama-Biden administration. Attorney General Loretta Lynch refused to answer questions from Congress about the payments. Details of the deal weren’t classified, but the Obama-Biden administration hid key documents at a secure site to make access difficult. If this wasn’t a scandal, why did they feel they had to hide information from Congress? 2. The IRS scandal It's amazing that anyone can still pretend the IRS to improperly targeting conservative and Tea Party groups wasn't a scandal. Lois Lerner, the former director of the IRS Exempt Organizations division at the time, admitted it happened! Not only were tea party groups improperly targeted, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch, but the whole scheme was orchestrated out of Washington, D.C. There was also evidence of White House involvement. IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman was at the White House at least 157 times while the IRS was targeting tea party groups. Obama’s cabinet members didn’t even visit the White House that often. Some IRS employees even claimed that Obama himself requested the crackdown of tea party groups. There was certainly ample reason to suspect coordination with the White House. The IRS was also exchanging confidential taxpayer information with the White House the year Obama and Biden were reelected. 1. The Trump spying /FISA abuse scandal If spying on Donald Trump’s campaign wasn’t a scandal, what is? We know it happened. We know that this spying was justified using a bogus dossier funded by the Hillary campaign. What began as a means to undermine Trump before the 2016 election ultimately became a means to undermine his presidency. The Mueller investigation, a 22-month effort to uncover alleged Russian collusion, predictably turned up nothing. There’s also an ongoing Inspector General’s investigation of the alleged abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by the DOJ and FBI. The final report should be released later this year. Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) predicted on Sunday that this report will be devastating and lead to indictments.
  3. https://www.news10.com/news/9-11-first-responders-memorial-defaced-in-geneva/?fbclid=IwAR2QD5NFm2_WP5-D7EoA46N_8PFJd3WqQbq7fsGM5EeVrZxbS46A4oTpoiY 9/ News by: Kayla Green Posted: Aug 29, 2019 / 11:07 AM EDT / Updated: Aug 29, 2019 / 11:07 AM EDT GENEVA, N.Y. (WROC) — Police in Geneva say someone spray painted over a memorial for 9/11 first responders. A 9/11 first responder, Andrew Stromfeld, who worked at ground zero said that it’s difficult to hear things like this. “It brings it all back to us when more attention is played onto it by people doing damaging things, saying damaging things, it makes it a lot harder,” said Stromfeld. The thing people can’t seem to wrap their heads around is why someone would want to vandalize a 9/11 memorial. “Sometimes it might not be about their feelings but what they don’t take into consideration is what about the people that the monument means,” said Stromfeld.
  4. I have the news on in the background a lot and shake my head in disbelief how uninformed some most nearly all of those people are.
  5. Hey HAHA Gator, aren't you going to answer me above? Soybeans are a commodity and can be sold nearly everywhere.
  6. How many times have you heard a newscaster with "breaking news" and said to yourself, "noshit Sherlock, I've known that for 2 1/2 years"?
  7. More like the man who cried "fire" in a packed theatre or the shepherd who cried "wolf" when there wasn't one.
  8. That pain has been minimized by the weakening of the yen though. If they were willing to devalue their currency over 10% tariffs what will they do over 25% tariffs? I don't have an answer but I do know that China is in a world of hurt. Yes, diversifying USA companies supply chain away from China is a good thing.
  9. I really don't like quoting you but answer this one question: If Trump raises the cost of a product by 10% (via tariffs) and China reduces the cost by 10% is that product costing the consumers more money? I bet you don't have the balls to answer in a serious manner.
  10. China has devalued its currency in order to remain competitive and stop the flight of manufacturing from their country. The tariffs are working.
  11. It's the inner city gangsta culture mostly endorsed by people of color who have little to no respect for human life. If it wasn't a gun it would be a knife. Until we start calling a spade a spade and recognizing that a gun doesn't pull its own trigger things will just continue on the same way. The very first step in solving a problem is knowing what the problem is.
  12. Against my better judgement I'm going to respond to you. Nowhere will you find a memo signed by Obama authorizing or ordering a spying operation on Trump's campaign. As an aside, you won't find that Al Capone left memos either but I doubt that you'd claim his innocence based on the lack of direct evidence. The indication that Obama is guilty is the preponderance of evidence gleaned over the years combined with the knowledge that Obama has shown that in the past he had no regard for the law. People here have discussed Obama's malfeasance over 2-3 years and it's the many, many smaller indicators that point directly at him. It's items like the texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page or the lies to Congress by Brennan, Clapper & Comey. I don't think anyone is asking you to read 1000 pages to "exonerate" Obama. If you had been involved with the discussion from the beginning you'd understand that Obama can't be exonerated. If he isn't charged for anything it will be because of purely political reasons. You are asking people here to prove something to you in one sentence when it has taken a book to prove it to ourselves. Many of us were skeptical as the whole deep state story started and only reluctantly came around when there wasn't any alternatives that made sense. Let me give you an analogy: I grew up playing baseball, from T-Ball to Little League to High School & beyond. I instinctively know that you don't make the first out at 3rd base or tag up on a fly ball with 2 outs. I understand the reasons why. You are acting like the guy that plays in the company softball game that never played the game as a child or beyond. Sure, you might be able to catch a fly ball or even get a hit, but you don't know enough to only go part way between 1st and 2nd on a fly ball to the outfield. What I am trying to convey to you is that sometimes there are just no shortcuts to understand a situation. You had to have been there. In the last few months I've seen you go from a Lefty that would at least try to cogently discuss things to a triggered obtuse dick acting like his brain is addled whenever Trump is brought up. You call everyone who disagrees with you an idiot and move the goalposts as often as a 6-month old baby gets its diaper changed. You have made claims but when confronted with alternatives refuse to spend the time to read about them. You don't want to discuss, you want to preach. It's like Tiberius is your leader.
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