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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. That was my point. They have been exposed to western culture and prefer it over the Chinese culture.
  2. Do you think the exposure to western culture has changed the Chinese in Hong Kong? It's a process.
  3. The dems are having their little climate change farce tonight on CNN. Joe Biden just claimed that he grew up in Delaware. Said he was a little kid in Delaware. When in PA he'll tell you he grew up in Scranton.
  4. Of course Alabama might be impacted by the hurricane. That doesn't mean that they would get 100mph winds but they might get higher winds than normal and a lot of rain. Even WNY might be impacted, so I would advise you to hunker down underneath your bridge.
  5. HAHA Gator, as usual you have your head so far up your ass that you can't even see what you posted. Whose fault is it that children get separated from their parents? If the parents present themselves at a point of entry (along with their children) do they get separated? No. So, it's the governments fault that children who break in to this country along with their parents are treated according to law? What responsibility does Congress have for deliberately underfunding facilities and beds for holding families together?
  6. He should take lessons from Tony Podesta on how to act when you are being investigated.
  7. I'd use one of the burners to boil some cabbage during the barbeque.
  8. You're damn straight. Well, correct at least.
  9. In other words it wasn't about any alleged assault, but a political attack? Shameless. (not that we didn't already know that)
  10. How dare you ask a liberal to read something other than their approved talking points?
  11. Joe Biden has the answer to the gun problem. He thinks limiting magazines to one round would cut down on the killings.
  12. Don't bring hisshit here. Besides, he needs it to finger paint the wall near his crib.
  13. You're really ingratiating yourself to members of this forum by inviting that halfwit and wannabe HAHA Gator here. (-
  14. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2019/09/02/heres-rashida-tlaib-blamed-palestinian-honor-killing/ This past Thursday, a Palestinian woman named Israa Ghareb was murdered by her brothers in a hospital bed. This happened in public, with staff knowing exactly what was happening. No one intervened or tried to stop it. No one was arrested or punished. There are reasons for that, which will get into momentarily. This led Rep. Rashida Tlaib, noted anti-Semite and Palestinian activist, to put out a tweet denouncing the killing. That might typically be seen as a positive if it weren’t so full of obfuscation so as to once again show her lack of ability to condemn the real causes of violence from her people. And to be clear, Tlaib pointedly claims the Palestinians as her people. That is not my assumption simply based on her familial origins. Here’s the tweet in question. Rashida Tlaib ✔ @RashidaTlaib "Isra’s death illustrates an ever-present toxic masculinity and control over women’s bodies and lives." e Ah yes. The real problem here isn’t Palestinian culture, buttressed by centuries of Muslims committing honor killings as part of their religious beliefs. No, it’s nebulous “toxic masculinity.” That’s why Western cultures, which had plenty of “toxic masculinity” throughout history, also had epidemics of honor killings. Wait, they didn’t? Then perhaps that should point to the fact that masculinity, though it can certainly be weaponized in harmful ways toward women, is not the primary driver of honor killings. The article she links to is exactly what you’d expect. It’s a pathetic attempt to excuse all responsibility for the killing away from Islam’s cultural rot and toward the a wider enemy which fits into the mold of social justice activism. Here’s how the piece opens.
  15. Are you saying that weather instances have no affect on the stock market?
  16. It would appear to me that the Federal government and the states are very much working in unison to do as much as possible to prepare for weather disasters. I just get a different feeling than I ever did in the last decade as far as the amount of competency and preparedness shown now than in the past.
  17. Sort of like they got their education (via apprenticeship), room and board for free and ended up having no student debt.
  18. Gee, I wonder if Dorian has anything to do with this?
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