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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You'll notice that Trump tends to negotiate from strength while Obama tended to acquiesce.
  2. You are forgetting that the ***** in our armor came from the other side of the world.
  3. Golda Meir too. That would be a great crowd for a HS basketball game.
  4. Seriously? This is the way you want to play it? You don't think that some or most men would/could be blackmailed with evidence that they were banging prostitutes?
  5. Married men, with videos of them screwing literal playgirls have no danger of being blackmailed. Sounds about right.
  6. All you liberal art majors would have been much better off and would have many tens of thousands less in debt if you'd have just went with this:
  7. They are so stupid it's funny. They have no one to blame but themselves for painting themselves this way.
  8. We've already met our quota of jerks here. Don't be a jerk. You usually seem fairly reasonable, are you sure this is the hill you want to take a stand on?
  9. My reaction too. Sounded more like faux venom.
  10. From your link: Michael Avenatti, representing Ms White’s family, told People that the “note, written in Cat’s own words, shows the world how Jim Carrey treated her while she was alive and the depths of his destructive behaviour. We look forward to trying our case to a Los Angeles jury.” Creepy Porn Lawyer certainly can locate the swamps.
  11. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/29/grossly-irresponsible-larry-summers-blasts-ex-fed-presidents-call-to-thwart-trump-in-2020.html?__twitter_impression=true&recirc=taboolainternal Former New York Fed President Bill Dudley’s push for the central bank to consider the 2020 election when crafting monetary policy is “grossly irresponsible” behavior, economist Larry Summers told CNBC on Thursday. Dudley, in a Wednesday post on Bloomberg, suggested the Federal Reserve could, and should, try to sway the election against President Donald Trump. Dudley urged current central bankers not to lower interest rates further to cover for any negative effects on the U.S. economy that may arise due to the president’s China trade war. “For a former trusted official of the Fed, whose thinking is inevitably going to be tied to the Fed, to recommend that they ... [use] rates so as to subvert the economy and influence a presidential election is grossly irresponsible, and is an abuse of the privilege of being a former Fed official,” said Summers, who formerly was Treasury secretary under President Bill Clinton and as an economic advisor to President Barack Obama. Summers, a longtime Trump critic who had been considered by Obama for Fed chief, said that Dudley’s remarks took the discussion “out of the realm of economics” and “into the realm of politics.”
  12. Unlike Obama there was not much Trump could do about the rising seas but Trump was able to guide the storm away from Mar A Lago and in a little bit more northward direction. How could he compete with this?
  13. I don't disagree with you. I was just pointing it out that the market can be affected by many different things. The one thing I won't do though is to get into a long ongoing debate with you like you do with others here who pretty much agree with you. I'll spare the other posters here.
  14. Are you trying to get an "Uncle" out of me? My original premise was that the market's drop could have been caused by pretty much anything. Maybe it's up today because Dorian looks not quite as bad (overall) as originally thought. Maybe it was because of the economic news for August or maybe it was because there is optimism with the China negotiations or the olive branch thrown to the people on Hong Kong.
  15. Looks like the only question that the Lefties need to answer is: At what age do we limit "abortions"? The Warren faction was solidly behind the age of 18 since no human was worth anything to them prior to voting age but crafty old Sanders proposed that if the voting age was moved to 16, then he would be willing to cut off abortions at that age.
  16. In all fairness the author should state where Maine stood as far as crime goes prior to allowing universal concealed carry. There needs to be context. For the record I believe that it is a good law.
  17. This Democrat Townhall on climate change reminds me of a card game called"bull####". Each candidate was out lying the others.
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