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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You've got it wrong. When tensions rise the price of oil will rise with the idea that tensions may cause interruptions to supply.
  2. Look closer at that graph. It dropped about 2% from the day's high but not the day's start.
  3. You can play the game all you want. Even dress up if you prefer.
  4. Our perceived hurricane problem is due to air conditioners. Yes, air conditioners. Not that they necessarily contribute to the warming of waters (they might) but because they have allowed the South East part of our country and other areas to be populated in real numbers. The amount of people coupled with our advancement in technology just accentuates our awareness of the affect and damage done by these storms. Basically we were just ignorant previously while we are now "woke".
  5. What we need is a new broad game called "This Is Julia".
  6. Naw, the smart move is to piss off someone with a gun. Sooner or later the gunster will encourage you to come and try to take it.
  7. He's been working out. I wonder if Joe Biden still wants to take him behind the school and teach him a lesson?
  8. See, this is why I didn't bother to ask you in the first place. You can't explain your (non) point. Pathetic.
  9. OK genius, explain what you were trying to say.
  10. Coming from you that's quite reassuring.
  11. DC Tom must have some pretty good ones in his scrapbook.
  12. I'd ask you to explain yourself but I'm afraid that your head would explode.
  13. First we have to determine the exchange rate between the dollar and wampum. What about her cousin?
  14. Unsurprisingly, political consultants have been heavily represented among the NeverTrump crowd. . I think if I were running for national office I'd get Sen. John Kennedy of LA to advise me and give me a few little colloquialisms to use in my stump speeches. He has a way of getting his point across in a few words.
  15. No, I wasn't even disputing your figures. I simply stated that one has to look "behind" those figures. You know, like understand human nature.
  16. Both you and I inherently know that is a meaningless figure. There are so many different factors that are involved in coming to that figure that it doesn't mean jackshit. For example, have they factored in Seattle workers who requested less hours after they got a minimum wage raise to $15 an hour? You know, the ones that lost their freebies because they were making too much. How about the people who claim they'd like to work full time but the part time hours fit their schedule better? You know that there are a myriad of different reasons for a measly 2.6% of the labor force to make those claims. Everywhere I go I see Help Wanted signs and wages are up. Basically anyone that's employable can get 40 hours a week or more one way or the other.
  17. The issue with getting an undergraduate degree in a liberal arts venue is that it rarely opens the door to a high paying job. A person needs a graduate degree to start out fast. STEM degrees get people started off quickly. Trust me, it's not all it's made out to be. Think of having to have sex 4-5 times a day with one, two or three of the most beautiful women at a time. Exhausting.
  18. Bakin is actually a Trump supporter. It's Baskin who's the poster that is 3 bases short of a double.
  19. From your link: A 2016 study by the Economic Policy Institute, for instance, found that, once the elderly are excluded, more than 70 percent of all public safety-net beneficiaries — including those who receive Medicaid, food stamps, housing aid and cash assistance — are working families or individuals, not unemployed people. Nearly half the recipients of such benefits work full time. So, in other words less than or about 35% of the people receiving benefits work full time. That means about 65% of the people receiving benefits don't work full time. Oh, and the elderly are not included in these figures so we are talking about working age people. Sometimes Gleeful Gator, you should just keep quiet. For your own sake.
  20. You're missing the point. Instead of coddling the Taliban and reaching a deal at any price Trump is saying FU to them because they are violating any agreement before it is even being consummated. Seriously, you bring 9/11 into this? Why?
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