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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I have no inclination to respond to your clever little approaches. Just accept the fact that its never going to happen and go harass someone else.
  2. So, when China cut off travel in and out of Wuhan domestically but allowed people from Wuhan to travel worldwide, denied that the virus could spread from people to people and then secretly purchased as much protective gear as they could, it was all innocent as could be? I don't claim that China knowingly spread the virus around the world initially but their actions once it became known in China were deplorable and they certainly unleashed biological warfare on the world.
  3. I thought we already had this conversation months ago. My member is none of your business. You can covet it all you want but it'll never give you what you desire. Maybe you should just face reality and look around for other people of your persuasion and quit beating around the bush here.
  4. Sure, he's always causing problems.
  5. WTF are you talking about? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck.............................................
  6. Protest all you want, but conservatives do not try to tell others what to do. You need to take a long look in the mirror.
  7. I love sports. I'm a conservative. I have no problem with the top salaries being what they are. I despise what the major sports leagues are allowing themselves to become. It'll break my heart when the Sabres or the Bills win a championship while its been so diluted by the nonsense that is BLM or even worse, Antifia. I watched KC and Houston tonight. They pissed me off before the game even started.
  8. Anything having to do with 3rd Chair is #2. If he's truly an attorney he has totally wasted an expensive education. On the other hand, he might be kept on someones payroll because, sorta like they need a notary public.
  9. You assume a lot. Historically PPP has not been easy on anyone, far Left or far Right. Recently there's been an inordinate amount of far Left trolls invading here using up a lot of space with nonsense. People have been posting the same memes over and over or attacking Trump with unadulterated horseshit, failing to discern legitimate concerns from the kind of bs that anyone with more than a double digit IQ would laugh at. You are obvious a Lefty. No problem. Take some time to actually familiarize yourself with this place and become a legitimate member. Spout off your ideas, back them up with at least something for other people to think about and you'll have at least a fairly decent experience. Otherwise, man up, quit denigrating this place and leave us alone.
  10. Who deleted your original thread, Einstein?
  11. You might want to read things a little more carefully, it might help your reading comprehension. Stating that both parties are equally culpable for the extreme partisanship that we have is to ignore the fact that the Left has been viciously attacking Trump for the last 4 years. People entrenched in the CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA and the State Department used their official capacity to try to oust Trump. They actually attempted a coup. To nonchalantly state that both sides share in the blame equally is to not know what's been going on in this country.
  12. That's because you are airborne and can avoid all security measures.
  13. I didn't know that about you.
  14. The NBA is full of fabulous athletes with little gray matter. Mark my words, they're killing the Golden Goose.
  15. Seriously, you think the American public thinks highly of the NBA right now? You must live in an America that is foreign to me.
  16. They are the 5th largest economy in the world trying to operate on windmills, solar panels and at best an irrigated desert without much water. They choose to build a bullet train from the equivalent of Messina to Fredonia while failing to spend the money to clear dead fall in their wooded areas and bulldoze breaks in their forests to tamp down on large fires. Their state bird is an albatross.
  17. I'm not sure what you are trying to convey. The NBA certainly is doing what?
  18. No, not at all. I came up with that all by myself. Unlike you, who gets their marching orders from such sources as the Huffington Post, NYT's and Washington Post I can think for myself. Do you actually think that the major sports leagues are endearing themselves to the American public lately?
  19. Don't even bring the NBA into the equation here. Sure the players make a ton but they've sold their souls to China in the process. Mark my words, with Lebron as the face of the NBA that league will return to the days prior to Magic and Bird. A two bit league populated with a ton of gangstas that are viewed by the average American as such won't be able to sell $300 shoes nor find many takers for NBA player jerseys. Their greed is going to do them in.
  20. So, Kemp continues to deny denigrating Wacka for taking care of his elderly mother with dementia. Well, I looked for his original post and couldn't find it. Looks like it was deleted. Too bad for Kemp I previously quoted it. Here is the complete original copy of his post: Members 10,396 30,377 posts Report post Posted August 22 These were your responses to Doc and Wacka. I have not altered anything and they are verbatim. Now tell me how I'm the one misrepresenting your post? Not only are you a sleazeball but you're in over your head here. Don't you ever have shame for your sick but weak mind? Quote Edit Options
  21. Why is it that successful blacks do not claim systemic racism while blacks and whites who have nothing better to do than burn down businesses and slug little old ladies claim such racism? Show me a person who is always making excuses and I'll show you a person not worthy of success.
  22. You might want to check how many crimes are committed by whites vs blacks before posting anything more.
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