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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Thank God "W" championed AIDS programs in Africa and insured we sent them a shitload of money to beat back that scourge.
  2. He doesn't have time to do so what with mowing the field and trying to figure out the circuit breakers.
  3. I asked Siri and she told me she would get back to me after asking her sister, Kamala.
  4. First of all, Iran can't do that on a permanent basis. Second, we are fast approaching a greater capacity for making up that production. Goody, more business for us.
  5. The "extreme sanctions" are due to their extreme actions. They are a lawless country willing to disrupt the world's oil supply and commit piracy. They are financing terrorism. It's time to teach them a lesson that they'll never forget, not let them get nuclear weapons.
  6. You don't understand the mentality of the people we are dealing with. One doesn't hold out hope that you can negotiate peacefully with those snakes. They only understand one thing and the threat of causing them deep pain needs to be proven to them. That threat of deep pain can only be displayed by showing them enough smaller pain to convince them that they don't want more.
  7. This is why you have absolutely no credibility. You are a liar and have no interest or pride in your work. I tend to point that out by mocking you. A typo is the slip of one's finger like hitting the "s" while intending to hit the "a". Numbers that are close to each other on the keyboard. You didn't accidently type the word "through" instead of "threw". That is not a typo, it's a mistake. People make mistakes and it usually is no big deal. You make mistakes and then try to lie your way out of them. I point these lies out because they should be obvious to everyone that you lie your way through life. When you perpetually lie in the small things you also lie in the bigger things. Everything you post here should be looked at with a skeptical eye. People should ask themselves, when reading one of your posts, if it makes sense or if you are lying. It may sound harsh but it's the simple truth. You are a liar. Own it.
  8. You would be wrong: https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=427&t=3 U.S. electricity generation by source, amount, and share of total in 20181 Energy source Billion kWh Share of total Total - all sources 4,178 Fossil fuels (total) 2,651 63.5% Natural gas 1,468 35.1% Coal 1,146 27.4% Petroleum (total) 25 0.6% Petroleum liquids 16 0.4% Petroleum coke 9 0.2% Other gases 12 0.3% Nuclear 807 19.3% Renewables (total) 713 17.1% Hydropower 292 7.0% Wind 275 6.6% Biomass (total) 63 1.5% Wood 41 1.0% Landfill gas 11 0.3% Municipal solid waste (biogenic) 7 0.2% Other biomass waste 3 0.1% Solar (total) 67 1.6% Photovoltaic 63 1.5% Solar thermal 4 0.1% Geothermal 17 0.4% Pumped storage hydropower3 -6 -0.1% Other sources 13 0.3%
  9. It's time to take away Iran's ability to hijack shipping.
  10. I call it sashaying. As far as polls go, when asked if you were for Medicare for all, the majority of Americans said that they were. When asked if you were for Medicare for all with the elimination of private insurance, the vast majority of Americans said "hell no". It matters how you ask the question.
  11. At some point in time the Left is going to realize it's not very smart to start a war with the people who have all the weapons. It's like the Left is made up of all Iranian Mullahs.
  12. Can anyone guess where and how the vast majority of electricity to operate the chargers come from?
  13. What, you aren't going along with how nearly everyone else here sees him? In polls, he's been 98% pos, 99% dumb and 100% liar. I know he'll probably resent this and maybe get someone to help him with the math but it looks like he's a 297% dumb, lying pieceofshit.
  14. By their very nature those would be hollow point straws, reducing your ability to penetrate the + on the top of the lid. Do you really want to be known as that guy?
  15. Are you not aware of Tulsi's animous against the Saudis? She'd rather side with dictators who gas their own people. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/316430-gabbard-meeting-with-assad-draws-disgust-from-fellow-lawmakers
  16. I remember Fitzpatrick's game winning, girly shriek over a *ats defeat.
  17. I'd rather they didn't. I don't think it's part of the process.
  18. All you guys that believe those polls, keep believing them. I'm sure they're accurate.
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