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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. That's too much of a blanket statement. It depends on each individual VA Hospital. I was there today for a 20 minute acupuncture treatment. I was in and out in less than 40 minutes. I've always been treated well and have no complaints. Phoenix on the other hand...………………………………………………...
  2. There was an injunction quashing the subpoena. Heard it on the radio a little while ago.
  3. In the meantime they have a fiscal year budget surplus of 21 billion dollars. https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/06/10/california-state-taxes-budet-surplus-21-billion/ Gov. Gavin Newsom is in an enviable position: a record surplus of $21.5 billion in his first proposed budget. But as his plan moves toward the June 15 deadline for approval by a friendly Legislature dominated by his fellow Democrats, Republicans and taxpayer advocates are pushing back against what they say are more than $2 billion in new taxes and other levies tucked within the voluminous document. “Despite a budget surplus of $22 billion,” the governor is asking for billions in new taxes, said Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove, R-Bakersfield. “California is already unaffordable for too many people.”
  4. More than likely that bill was given to you so that they could make up for the 5 ER visits by illegal liens or otherwise uninsured people who will never pay a dime.
  5. So, SNL gave him a job and then took it away? They sound like Indian Givers.
  6. The party of Al Franken & Maxine Watters people.
  7. https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/kyrsten-sinema-makes-history-first-bisexual-member-u-s-senate-n935816 Nearly one week after Election Day, Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema was declared the apparent winner of Arizona’s nail-biter of a Senate race. In addition to a win for Democrats, Sinema’s hard-fought victory also adds to the spoils of the so-called rainbow wave that ushered in a record number of LGBTQ political candidates this year. Sinema’s high-profile win is particularly historic. She is the first out bisexual person ever elected to the U.S. Senate and only the second openly LGBTQ person, behind Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisc., who is a lesbian. Sinema is also the Grand Canyon State’s first female senator and its first Democratic senator since 1995.
  8. Who pays for all the research and development involved in creating new drugs?
  9. When they rebel, Trump is going to sue them in an Iowa court and win by default when they don't show up.
  10. It didn't work out too well with Dr. Charles Nichols and Devlin McGregor, now did it?
  11. Of course they will try to turn back to the center for the general, but with all the stupidshit that they've said is thrown back at them via video they'll have a difficult time in doing so.
  12. Unintended consequences of Medicare for all. Doctors make less money and find it difficult to pay back student loans. Less qualified people study to become doctors thus bringing about doctor shortages. Wait times for appointments increase and people get sicker and die sooner.
  13. Nice tan lines Beto. Do you actually wear your socks that high with shorts? I see you made it into the 1%ers...…………………...in polling.
  14. Your linked article had a lot of "coulds" and "mays" in it. It had me mentally doing that hand gesture where you hold your hand out and tilt it from side to side.
  15. Sinema should switch to the Republican Party. After all, she is a switch hitter.
  16. Rep. Schiff says it "could" involve the president. In fact he is as certain of this as he was of the "goods" they had on Trump for years.
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