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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. DR was ahead of everyone here and the person to first bring the Deep State malfeasance to my attention. DR came out and claimed that 2+2=4. Just because a whole bunch of other people have since claimed the same doesn't mean it's wrong. Oh, and by the way, you stated that you teach writing. Is it difficult to get the 2nd graders to accept cursive?
  2. The oil lobby's gotta go one way or oanother. I'd take him a little more seriously if he could have spelled "another" right the first time.
  3. I know reading comprehension has never been your strong point, but if you can't see the distinction between what you said and how I responded and even explained it to you, then you should be castigated so your seed does not live on.
  4. HAHA Gator, your ignorance is growing rapidly. I am well aware that certain state GOP parties have decided it would be a waste of time to hold primaries in their state. You said that Trump cancelled them. I told you basically to prove it. Can you?
  5. So, you can't back up your claims? It is not my job to try to validate your preposterous contentions.
  6. I pursue what I choose to pursue and will not go down your ridiculous rabbit hole disguised as something it isn't. Again, go fvck yourself.
  7. You would win hands down on your recent foreign language bs post. Hell, if we just listed all of your aliases that alone might compete for the longest post.
  8. No status fvcking quo for the Iranians. They finance terror on a large scale and lie about their own nuclear program. Sanction them until the present regime collapses and a new government is formed by the people. They are a pariah and deserve to be treated as one.
  9. You are very transparent, but not in a good way. Because I believe in one thing a person says doesn't mean I believe in everything they say. It also doesn't mean I disbelieve in the other things they say. Your attempt to confuse the issue and lump everything together for the purpose of arguing with me is pathetic and something that might work on your six year old niece, but it's not going to work here. Fvck off.
  10. You're the master of weakshit arguments. Supposedly Trump's call was in July of 2019.
  11. How can you criticize a guy for getting other poster's names wrong when he can't even figure what his own name is?
  12. Gee, I thought you were going to produce the secret agreement between the Deep State and the Uranus Butt Plugs that spells out their alliance that will lead to domination of our solar system. What a disappointment.
  13. The Ukrainian president wasn't inaugurated until 5-21-19. Sorta debunks your theory, eh?
  14. So, anyone running for office is immune to investigation? There's a mile of difference between asking someone to investigate very suspicious happenings vs asking someone to investigate for pure political reasons that are out of the blue.
  15. Warren/Trudeau 2020. "We've got all the faces covered".
  16. You are a hypocrite. I don't take other people's opinion as fact but I do put more credence into something said by someone I trust. You come down here full of piss and vinegar but freely admit that you aren't willing to spend time down here to discuss and learn through a process. You want someone to tell you what to think and then either agree with them or tell them that they are crazy. You want to form your opinions based on what your opinions already are.
  17. What did Trump do that was proven terrible? The only information you have is speculation, and we know how that has worked out over the last 3 years.
  18. I have no opinion re UFO's and therefor will not make uneducated statements about them. I only make strong statements or form strong opinions on things I have educated myself on. Wouldn't it be nice if everybody did that?
  19. Let there be no doubt that Russia fvcked with our elections and certainly the aftermath of the elections. Their goal was to denigrate Hillary when it looked like she would win and then denigrate Trump after he won. Even though they hated Hillary they sort of knew what they were getting with her. They didn't know what they were getting with Trump. Their ultimate goals were to get us fighting with each other and doubting the validity of the election, which they have far exceeded. The democrats and media are willingly playing the useful fool for the Russians.
  20. Wino convention from Skid Row at an auto parts store?
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