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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. The problem is that you don't take anything seriously. We may joke around here but serious subjects are discussed and you just want to make fun of everything. The last time I remember you being "for" anything was your same sex marriage crusade. Since then all you've done is be a contrarian and a clown. Here's a new avatar for you. It combines both of your professions.
  2. This is more complicated than you can understand. The supposed "Whistleblower" is in reality a rumor monger. He/she did not witness anything themselves but passed on a rumor and claimed he was a whistleblower. This is a legal issue and has to be sorted out. Congress has no right to breach the confidentiality of conversations between the president and other world leaders. With your won/lost record you should have played for the Washington Generals.
  3. Ordinarily I'd agree with you, but this is Joe Biden, the person who has no filter at all.
  4. Is it wrong of me to wonder if these people would have the courage of the Tiananmen Square protesters 30 years ago?
  5. The Left's long legacy of having their heads up their asses. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2019/09/23/watch-sheila-jackson-lees-take-on-ar-15s-reiterates-how-little-she-knows-about-n2553510?utm_campaign=inarticle "I held an AR-15 in my hand. I wish I hadn't. It is as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving. And the bullet that is utilized, a .50 caliber, these kind of bullets need to be licensed and do not need to be on the street," Jackson-Lee told reporters."
  6. I don't doubt the validity of this post. It's well known that he likes them older and in uniform.
  7. I haven't seen you so worked up over anything since your same sex marriage crusade here.
  8. Fracking has helped the economy of the whole country. Iran recently has been pulling its old bs and has anyone noticed how it has affected us at the gas pump? Also many more people than just landowners profit from fracking. It creates jobs not only in the field but in refineries and transportation.
  9. I could almost forgive your writing style if your content was any good.
  10. Kathy Areu on Fox just told Charles Payne that fracking hasn't been proven to help oil production.
  11. He keeps saying that reading is hard. Do you think he'd be offended if I suggested to him that he gets a tutor? I can't imagine how difficult it must be for him to be a lawyer and also teach writing when he has a hard time reading.
  12. You pompous ass, you. I'm willing to bet that Crayola is what your students use. Regardless, you obviously don't know how to get into a conversation without alienating everyone. Nice skills.
  13. In just 2 1/2 years in office John Kennedy has become a go-to guy for TV interviewers. His sharp mind and folksy quips enables him to get his points across succinctly. Linked below is some of his milder stuff. Let's use this thread for not only his funny comments but for other people's humorous comments as well. https://www.nola.com/news/article_4f142d73-5196-5108-a368-771a6b2df317.html
  14. Don't sell him short, he has a lot of sway in his 5th grade audio/visual club.
  15. He has a new handle, again--------------------------------Mr. Obtuse.
  16. It is illegal to misrepresent evidence to a FISA court.
  17. Got another screen name for you: Mr. Obtuse. I may only be a checkers player but you seem perfectly fit for the card game "War".
  18. Answer me this: Should Biden get a pass on possible big time corruption just because he's a candidate for president?
  19. Trump called the Ukrainian president to congratulate him on his election win. This was done after he was inaugurated. Should he have asked the former president to investigate what went on in his own administration? Your posts just keep getting more and more senseless.
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