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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Give Scooby a break. It's hard to hear or know what's going on from his position in the third chair.
  2. I'm not even sure whistleblower is the right word. Seems to me "rumor monger" would be more appropriate. You are not qualified to make a judgement concerning what makes sense.
  3. Nancy Pelosi, in a moment of candor stated that "we need to impeach Trump in order to find out what he is guilty of".
  4. Now there you go again, sticking your nose into a conversation that you have no basic knowledge of or the specifics of the prior discussion.
  5. That's why you were so impatient to condemn Trump in this matter. You should stop, you're giving lawyers a bad name.
  6. You're like a mouse in that you can squeeze in through the smallest of holes.
  7. 7 years ago I thought he might be a functional bureaucrat with some principles. Not anymore.
  8. Mitt Romney has gone downhill faster than the Jamaican bobsled team. Harry Reid is/was/claims to be a Mormon.
  9. The media and the other TDSers have taken the lead from the NY Times, who really know how to twist the issue for the sake of their agenda. They take unsubstantiated claims and put them on the front page. When proven wrong they make a note of it on page 23 or just ignore the contrary evidence. Down the road Adam Schiff or John Adams/Ben Franklin/Beginner's Mind will bring up what was said on page 1 as if page 23 never happened.
  10. You walk backwards so well you might want to think about taking up hockey. You suspect a lot of things but it still won't change the fact that you're an arrogant ass.
  11. She did. I had to catch myself before calling someone her.
  12. Posted only because the scene immediately came to mind after reading your post. Yes, you are an arrogant ass. Walking back your TDS shitposts after it looks like maybe Trump isn't in such deepshit is the kind of thing I'd expect from you. Trying to put the blame on others is also the kind of thing I'd expect from you.
  13. Reading through this thread it is apparent that you have already made up your mind. Why do you now want to take a wait and see approach? You've contributed to the poisoning of the jury pool and now want to claim impartiality and prudence? In previous posts in this thread you've done nothing but jump on the TDS bandwagon. Now, with this post you play at being impartial. Horseshit! There are fine people and good lawyers in this world but it is sure looking like you are neither.
  14. If you post down here at PPP you need to be either funny or substantive. Please remember that.
  15. As someone who works in the health field, maybe you can help me out. As a former smoker who quit decades ago, according to the info above, would it be the right thing to do to start smoking again?
  16. One would think that if the "Squad Party" thought they could beat Trump at the ballot box they wouldn't put themselves in the losing position of calling for impeachment over dummied up charges.
  17. Who is the fake whistleblower? Does he still work for the U.S. government? What Leftist organization is going to take care of him/her now? These are questions you should ask yourself Little Tibby if you want to learn the truth.
  18. I don't have the figures in front of me but I recently read that Chick-Fil-A sales per store outdid every other large fast food chain.
  19. So, 40 shots were fired at a swingers club and 5 people were grazed or slightly wounded? Sounds like the weapon had Peyronie's Desease.
  20. Can you give us a synopsis of that article? I would guess that most of us don't subscribe to the NYT. What kind of rules are they? What affect will their elimination have on our environment? Were they good rules in the first place?
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