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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Can anyone explain why the dems didn't wait a day or two to push for their faux impeachment so that they could get the transcript and official whistleblower complaint? Who makes their closing argument prior to the trial?
  2. There's not much doubt that he's experienced some tips from Ed Buck in the past. The pained expression Schiff has on his lying face when he speaks makes me think that a tip might have been left in there.
  3. Then it wouldn't be a meaningful hearing for the dems to grandstand to the public.
  4. Yes, it is a U.S. criminal matter not a U.S. political matter, no matter how hard the Left tries to make it so.
  5. The Rose Law Firm is representing the so called whistleblower. I've heard of them, maybe somewhere in the past. https://compassrosepllc.com/whistleblower-lawyer/
  6. I see. Who are these very informed people? Do you know? How about the so called whistleblower, do you know who that is?
  7. You aren't very bright, are you? It is hearsay whether or not it is in court or outside court. It is legally treated differently though.
  8. Don't fault him for not reading the underlying material. They didn't have enough copies to get all the way down to the 3rd chair.
  9. Remember this: if the so called whistleblower has/had no direct knowledge of the basis for his complaint, who leaked the contents of a presidential conversation? Did they violate a law? Did they reveal classified information?
  10. While this post is well thought out I believe you have made a distinction that falls into the hands of the rotten Left. This is only a U.S. political matter because the Left refuses to call it what it is. It is a U.S. criminal matter which certainly falls under the Trump administration's purview.
  11. First of all, fvck you. As far as nitwits go, yes he's the nit and I'm the wit. Glad you noticed.
  12. Yes, but Biden could be brought up on charges here for using his office to coerce another country for personal gain. I believe that the ICIG is limited to oversight of just the IC, not anywhere else in the executive branch. The Rose Law Firm lawyer who is representing the so called whistleblower is deeply involved in whistleblower issues and the IC. I wouldn't be surprised if he auditioned whistleblowers to keep the Left's opposition to Trump alive.
  13. I'm losing my patience with you. His call was within the course of his duties. It's only for political gain because you and the Adam Schiffs of this world want to look at it that way. Happenings in Ukraine were meant to affect our 2016 election. Happenings in Ukraine point to the Biden family's corruption. That's why Trump wanted Ukraine to look into it.
  14. I haven't used a traveler's check since the 1980's. In the day of debit cards why would you carry traveler's checks?
  15. Trump asked him to take a call from Guliani and/or Barr. Trump broke no law. This is about corruption and Trump has every right to find out about it, especially if we are sending them money.
  16. It very much appears that the Biden family received millions for nothing from Ukraine. There was a prosecutor that was going after Biden's son's company that was giving him money, not for any expertise (he had none) but for his father's influence. Joe Biden held back 1.5 billion in loan guarantees until they fired the prosecutor. If I was president I'd want to know what the former VP did too. Also, Trump wanted to know what Ukraine did to influence the 2016 election. None of this is in any way improper.
  17. When it comes to an illegal conspiracy I think it might be illegal to be in the loop.
  18. So, if I have this right we have 3 primary sources saying nothing out of the ordinary went on during the phone conversation vs 1 person saying he heard it through the grapevine. Impeach Trump!
  19. 3rd chair, eh? Is there room for you to sit with the grownups or do you get the backup goaltender treatment and have to sit in the tunnel by yourself?
  20. I believe Andre Bakaj is an attorney for the rumor monger not the rumor monger himself.
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