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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Keep trying to jam that square peg into a round hole. Quit trying to win fabricated points although this is what you are wont (learned that word last week in class) to do. The dems know they have jackshit. If they were serious and thought they had proof of anything, why would Adam Schiff come up with an opening statement like he did? I have decades of experience in negotiating small, large and often tricky deals. I don't say this here to fit in the fact that I'm a big time negotiator or that I drive a fancy car. I'll leave that for your other 3rd chair. I say that because I know what part leverage has in making deals. The U.S. didn't just have leverage at "that" moment. We have it all the time as it pertains to most other countries. You're trying too hard to make points rather than viewing the big picture and thinking about what makes sense.
  2. Empty comment but fully worthy of your intellect. Are you hungry? Do you need your diaper changed or do you just need to be held?
  3. I can't help but believe the Rose Law Firm is behind the whistleblower, not just representing him after the fact but involved in creating the complaint from the start. I stated this basically earlier in this thread. I have no proof so this is just a hunch, take it with a grain of salt. The line for uninformed posters who want to opine is over there on the left.
  4. Let's look at this from a practical, common sense manner. Trump may not seem it on the surface, but he has shown great patience in keeping quiet regarding criminal activity perpetrated against him. He's allowing LE to make their cases rather than poison the well for his political expediency. If Trump's motivation here was to harm a political opponent wouldn't he have waited until Biden won the nomination? Why knock the guy out now when he could inflict much more damage to the dems if he waited until he was the nominee? John Adams/Ben Franklin/Beginners Mind, wtf is wrong with you? You and your other supporters here all grabbed a chair from the 3rd chair stack and are making the mistake of trying to jam a square peg into a round hole. Even 3rdnlng who you compared to a fifth grader, knows better than that. You guys are so buried into your minutiae that you can't see the big picture. Just wait until my classmates hear all this at recess. We might challenge you pompous horses' asses to a debate. Don't worry, we'll each come with one hand tied behind our back.
  5. From one of the articles: https://www.scribd.com/document/427618359/Shokin-Statement Start on page 4.
  6. He was in a coma for the last few years. When it looked like Hillary was going to win, the Russians pulled theirshit on her. When Trump actually won they pulled theirshit on him. They weren't trying to influence the actual outcome but they were trying to spread chaos and mistrust in the results. We've swallowed that hook, line and sinker. "Coyote Tom" has a nice ring to it.
  7. No one here cares one whit about your impotence. We are all mostly guys and there may have been a time when we had one drink too many and well, weren't stand up guys ourselves, so we understand. There are drugs out there that might help but if they don't work try someone of the opposite sex next time.
  8. Maybe you should forget those Perry Mason reruns and not demand a yes or no answer Mr. Courtroom. DR answered the question in a more subtle way than your trap question wanted him to. Russia's goal was not to change vote counts or really to favor one candidate over the other. They wanted to spread chaos and make us doubt the results no matter who won. They succeeded marvelously and people like you and JA are helping them as useful idiots.
  9. Haven't you ever heard the old adage "fool me once shame on you, fool me 3451298 times, shame on me?
  10. They don't have much choice, they are surrounded by minefields and quicksand.
  11. This is classic "cut off your nose to spite your face" or "throw the baby out with the wash water" type of ignorance.
  12. Reconcile that with my post above, Mr. Big Time Lawyer, Litigator and Fancy Car Driver
  13. So, this what you've claimed so far: You've never really tried a case in court but did sit in a 3rd chair once. You're a big time lawyer. You're a litigator. So, what is it?
  14. DR has never tried to use his job to impress anyone here. If he did he would have received the same treatment as you and Scooby. The essence of his job only came about to give an insight as to his actual investigations into the Deep State. You're a Johnny Come Lately who should have scouted out the territory down here before shooting off your mouth. I guess in your mind "scouting" would take on the same importance as research or reading. We may have many deplorables down here but we stand heads and shoulders above some middle aged 3rd chair braggart.
  15. I would think it would have much less sting when you were just starting out but one hell of a lot of sting when you've toiled in the background for so long and all you have to show for it is sitting in the 3rd chair, once. That sounds very big time lawyerlike. No wonder you have to teach reading and writing at Crayola Community College.
  16. Maybe I'm confusing you with someone else like Tibs, but didn't you claim to have only actually sat as the 3rd chair ONCE in a trial? Seems like that's the epitome of your profession.
  17. BREAKING NEWS: The whistleblower has just been named and it's proven beyond a shadow of doubt that no bias was involved in the claim: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christine_Blasey_Ford
  18. Now, you litigate for a living? Does that mean you spend a significant time in court?
  19. You won't do it by sashaying better than anybody else. Still butthurt?
  20. Seriously, were you in a coma during Obama's first few years in office? You weren't aware of how the ACA went down? How about Fast and Furious or the Lois Lerner/IRS fiasco? Seems to me I remember his mean spirited actions taken during a shutdown. I could go on and on about the Obama malfeasance but I am not going to try to change your bias.
  21. I have a feeling about this whole deal that it was fabricated and planned to be the next fake attack on Trump. Just a hunch.
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