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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Black olives in your taco, but green olives on your pizza or in a martini. Sheeesh, someday my work will be done here.
  2. Nearly one in five Wisconsinites who are more concerned about riots than racial justice are going to vote for Biden. That leaves 80% who will vote for someone else. I'm convinced. That's a real winning strategy going on there for Biden.
  3. Does anyone have a better explanation for the tremendous change in Joe's cognitive abilities? Being accused of being on drugs does not necessarily mean Illegal drugs. While it may be possible that Hunter passed him a little coke before his last speech that he seemed not ready for the undertaker, he might have also had a prescription for a legal drug that caused him to seem alive. There's obviously something causing him to appear so different from time to time. I'm not sure I want Joe to be the one playing Russian Roulette at 3:00 am when that inevitable call comes.
  4. Back a couple years or so ago I suggested many of the same fixes mentioned above. I was highly criticized by a few people here for suggesting cleaning up dead fall in the wooded areas along with clearing breaks in the forests and cutting branches away from electrical lines. People wanted to know what expertise I had in this area. I didn't then and I don't now. It's called common sense people.
  5. It appears to be difficult because it has language & terms that are very specific to being a notary. Doesn't seem to be any more difficult than a real estate, life insurance or boater safety exam if a person reads up on the info ahead of time. BTW, several years ago I took a boater safety exam (in PA) online so that I could legally operate a jet ski. It was a new test designed to prevent the farce that was the old test. There were 75 questions and I was correct on 73, except I was actually correct on 74 and informed them that their test was wrong. I actually got an email back confirming my contention and a thank you for correcting their test. I say this because the question had to do with navigation of large ships in a river. (the test was for the operation of "personal water craft") Anyway, if you follow the rules of go slow when appropriate and keep your eyes open you'll be ok.
  6. I see you didn't get your period again. Is that the fault of the "boarder" or just your careless typing?
  7. Right over your head, again. Don't address the the lies in your post and the practicality of its premise but spew out lies to try to prove said premise.
  8. I challenge them to find the 3rd person there in that picture exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.
  9. Are you still angry with your Mama for renting out your above ground room to a boarder and moving you into the basement where the old coal bin used to be?
  10. I'm not sure why elected sheriffs entered the conversation but it appears to me that notaries don't do much other than look at a person's license or other photo identification and then attest that the signature on a document is theirs. They then top it all off with an official seal. Now, I can understand why it might take Tiberius years of study to learn how to do this but I'm willing to guess that you or I could finish learning the actual necessities of the job over a lunch hour, with time to spare for a martini or two.
  11. First of all the article you linked to made a major error in addition. The amounts of money they quoted barely adds up to 75% of $4 million. $3 million is chump change in the bigger picture. This poorly written article does not expound upon the fact that there is a problem with Medicare reimbursement at the heart of the issue. So, you actually believe that the Trump administration has went to the trouble of siphoning off a mere $4 $3 million from a much larger program? I rarely click on any of your links but when I do I invariably find out that all you are doing is spreading horseshit. To do so at the expense of NYC first responders on 9-11 is beyond the pale. What's next, a Benghazi Improv group at the local comedy club?
  12. Are we talking about the same thing? I'm referring to the person who has a seal and attests to the fact that the right person signed a specific document. You seem to be referring to a district judge, sometimes called a justice of the peace.
  13. Where do you idiots come up with thisshit? Did you know that Joe Biden used to be called "Dexter", for a reason?
  14. It's part of 3rd Chair's attempt to take over PPP. He's been trying since he started posting here. He wants us all to adhere to his rules.
  15. Not sure I get what the problem was. Seems like the father was telling the truth, as he saw it.
  16. You are responding to a poster who denigrated another poster for being the primary care giver for his 94 year old mother who has dementia. Not only did @Kempdeny it and basically say his statement was out of context but he told other posters to post the entire quote. He refused to do so himself. He had deleted his initial posting. Little did he know that at least 3 people had saved his original post and there was no "context". He was caught red handed and now continues to lie about his disgusting comments. @Kemphas proven himself to be a liar. There's no other way around it.
  17. E. Jean Carroll will make a fine witness. If she can hit on Anderson Cooper will she try it with the judge? Actually I view her as a less attractive woman who could play the wacko part in Fatal Attraction.
  18. Someone can't get posters to respond to him so he responds for other posters. Must be awful lonely.
  19. The weak mind of a fool at work. No wonder they shelter you so much at the office. I can picture you now, cramped behind an undersized desk under the stairs where the supply closet is located. All the legal pads and Bic pens you want but nothing to write. The promise of replacing your boxy monitor with a flat screen is the only thing that keeps you going.
  20. Anyone that tries to explain it any other way must have one ***** up agenda.
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