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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Please, make it worth my while and bet Crayola/Scooby's car on it.
  2. Give him a break...………………………………….he's been busy working on his lesson plans for Lemmings For Socialists. He's gonna have those little rats voting the AOC way for the next 200 years.
  3. He's waiting to answer until he gets his 4th grade class to vote on it. They're waiting on instructions from the NEA and NTA.
  4. Hmmn, That's right about the time Schiff got word of the complaint.
  5. While I have you here, a little less starch in the shirts please.
  6. You want to see desperate, then look at the link below depicting all of the judges Trump has nominated and/or got confirmed. Don't tell HAHA Gator though, I don't think he's strong enough to handle the consequences of the loss of the Ninth Circuit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_Donald_Trump
  7. Let me help you out here. I'm not really in 5th grade. The Guy With All The Screen Names tried to put me down and said that I communicated as such. I've been mocking him ever since, due to the fact he was getting his ass handed to him by a "5th grader". BTW, today JA is not a lawyer, he's now an engineer. Different screen names, different professions? I think he may be a patient somewhere.
  8. The prudent thing to do would be to just let you go on dying. John Adams/Ben Franklin/Beginners Mind called my conversation level here as that of a fifth grader. As I have continually kicked his and your collective asses it would seem that I don't even have to ask if you are smarter than a fifth grader. You know it's funny, I'd beat you in court every time and I'd let you chose to be the prosecution or the defense. You two are probably pretty good at crossing the t's and dotting the I's but the one thing that is obvious to me is that neither of you are capable of seeing the big picture. While you guys are explaining why a particular pencil is a #2 and has half of an eraser left I'll be showing the jury how pencils were used to poison the victim. Don't give up your Crayola Community College job.
  9. I don't know about Ryan being dirty but I do know that he did not do Trump a solid on the wall. He made promises that he would get him the money and then ran out the clock.
  10. An engineer and an attorney too. I'm impressed. Who are you, Frank Abagnale, Jr.?
  11. I don't disagree with you at all. This started out a couple posts or more back in what I called a hunch. The Rose Law Firm certainly has some connections to the liberal cause and even some somewhat well known politicians who have a bone to pick with Trump. My hunch, which isn't yet worth the paper it is written on is still more valid than some of the Left's claims and the abhorrent opening statement by Adam Schiff.
  12. I freely stated that I had no proof but did have a hunch. I even said to take it with a grain of salt. I would agree with you that it is Kavanaugh level support. Never said anything else.
  13. It has been said that the whistleblower complaint appears to have been put together by a quality attorney on the level of a first chair. You may not have recognized the supreme work as just that though. BTW, the whistleblowers attorney is Andrew P. Bakaj of the Rose Law Firm. Here's a little info on Rose: https://compassrosepllc.com/bakaj/
  14. Hey Gary, my 5th grade class has tutors if you need one.
  15. I call for any impeachment votes to be made by the full HOR before the end of 2019. Everyone needs to go on record. This horseshit to keep the partisan fires alive in the committees that can only grandstand in order to fool the uninformed, is malicious and against what we stand for as a country. C'mon Nancy, push this impeachment through as if it is a faux healthcare bill.
  16. The dems are falling into the exact place that Putin envisioned when he set out to partner up with them on creating the hoped for chaos that they worked so hard for in 2016. Pull the rug out from under Trump as he works hard to deal with Trade and the scourge that is Iran. Russia, China and Iran all want a weaker U.S. President. So do the dems. What party here has the best interest of the country at heart?
  17. I'll never get desensitized to this crap. YOU'VE GOTTA BE SHITTIN ME!
  18. Crayola's hero. If he could only get past the 3rd chair he might be the next Jackie Chiles:
  19. Hey, it's hard to keep up with school, homework and this place too.
  20. Let me start out by saying I have no actual proof of the following: It is looking more and more like an entity (Rose Law Firm?) looked for a possible way to get to new impeachment charges against Trump. I wonder if they held a casting call (such as they did with AOC) to find an appropriate whistleblower.
  21. Let me start out by saying I have no actual proof of the following: It is looking more and more like an entity (Rose Law Firm?) looked for a possible way to get to new impeachment charges against Trump. I wonder if they held a casting call (such as they did with AOC) to find an appropriate whistleblower. I agree. We are all over the board. I'll kick your ass over there instead.
  22. Since they are pretty new around here and I never saw one in California when I lived there, I was under the impression that they were a newer chain. Looking them up they were incorporated in 1964. So, I stand maybe corrected.
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