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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. In a rare moment of propriety I chose not to go there. My conscience has gotten the better of me. It wasn't about anything having to do with morality, I couldn't find a third word to rhyme with pink.
  2. Joe, this subject seems to come up often with you. We have our standards and the perpetrators have their standards. You despise them don't you? If we adopted their standards then we would be what you despise. We just need to outsmart them. It might be more difficult in the short run to take the high road but if we don't we've become them and acquiesced to their will.
  3. Yes, I agree. I was being facetious. I know how we can reduce our trade deficit with them and make them a better world citizen at the same time. What say you China, wanna buy a shitload of natural gas? I think we have a little extra laying around.
  4. What's the big deal, they're only deplorables outside the cities.
  5. We're somewhat closing in on Halloween. If you really want the scare of your life think of what might have happened if Cankles had won in 2016.
  6. House committee rules have been altered in order to protect dem reps in red states. Up until a few months ago the impeachment process required a vote from the full House in order to be able to subpoena testimony and evidence. This required each rep to take a stand. The rules have been cleverly changed so that hearings can take place without the minorities knowledge and of course participation. It is also ok to have staff members and outside lawyers question people giving test...imony. This is a sneaky way of getting the ball rolling during the upcoming recess. The DOJ is getting very close to dropping the shoe on many of the establishment. This will affect both dems and republicans, but mostly dems. This whole impeachment process is nothing more than a preemptive strike to try to overshadow indictments coming down. We all know that there is no way that the Senate will vote for impeachment. There are several issues that congress should be working on but the dems are terrified to give Trump a win on anything. In addition to the above, Trump is working on sorting out crucial trade deals and making sure Iran doesn't get nukes and quits financing terror. The dems actions are undermining Trump and giving our adversaries hope that he'll lose in 2020 and they will have a softer adversary in the WH.
  7. LBJ had a proclivity for calling Black and Brown people *iggars.
  8. Nancy Pelosi: We have to impeach Trump in order to know what crimes he committed.
  9. My bet is that if he's making any money in the legal field he's getting paid by the t's he's crossing and the i's he's dotting.
  10. Thank you for posting this. Everyone should read through the thread.
  11. She can be offensive enough but Barbara Streisand is probably more qualified. Madonna can be the OL coach because she's very experienced down in the trenches. Kathy Griffin can be the tackling dummy because well, there ain't much harm that you can do to her.
  12. Somewhere I have a case of subliminal messages on cassettes designed for self improvement. The first one in the sequence had to do with stopping procrastination. They seem to be just the sound of waves washing in on shore, and you just leave them on all the time and with the auto reverse function on the cassette player you'd forget about them. After a few days my teenage daughter started cleaning her room everyday which floored me.
  13. This is a family friendly forum. I presume you meant "tramps" but there's more to it than that: "But every night all the men would come around And lay their money down"
  14. This stuff is not new. It started with the subliminal messages flashed across the movie theatre screen showing food, candy and drink to get you to buy it.
  15. It would certainly appear that Joe Biden did the wrong thing, by his own words yet. Hunter Biden may not have done anything illegal in either Ukraine or China but it would appear that he used his father for his own benefit, and most likely influenced Uncle Joe to misuse his office.
  16. You seem to be wanting to start the fire with our Constitution.
  17. You no spellum Iroquois right. Regardless, she was born in Oklahoma and claimed Cherokee heritage.
  18. Joe in Anarchyland would be a good screen name for you. Don't you see that we have to put up with distasteful speech in order to guarantee free speech? The Constitution isn't an option only document only to be adhered to when it fits our views.
  19. Yes Joe, it's insanity, horrific, stupid and idiotic but in retrospect we don't want to mess with the 1st amendment, now do we?
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