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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Can you show in the transcript where Zerensky asked why the money was not distributed? I mean in the actual transcript, not in Schiff's SNL audition.
  2. He's been running for over 30 years. In 1988 a little plagiarism got in the way.
  3. HAHA Gator, the Dumber Than Schiff Award is for the whole week. Pace yourself, and be aware of the hearsay trap 3rd chair is setting for you.
  4. HAHAHAHAHA. Sybil, you should take a reading comprehension course. Lawyers shouldn't engineer evidence. Any thinking person (so that gives you an out) would realize that the time to make a big deal about Biden would be after he won the nomination. Did you not notice that the telephone conversation (after the niceties) centered around 2016? What about the reference to Crowd Strike? You're trying too hard to find a way to support a premise that's just false. Dare I say, it's some pretty lousy engineering on your part?
  5. HAHA Gator, out to a fast start this Monday. Sybil, 3rd Chair and Transplant are falling behind in the race for this week's Dumber Than Schiff Award.
  6. No problem for CA, they can just ban the importation of water for use on lawns. MD is fvcked.
  7. She must have angered the Great Spirit in order for him to change her skin color and rearrange her DNA. Maybe He is not pleased with her attempts to gather wampum while on the warpath to lead the Seneca's Iroquois Comanche last of the Mohicans.
  8. I saw that exchange and it seems like some Fox reporters have been getting very aggressive and bordering on nasty lately with people on the Right. Maria Bigboobs was on after that and was pretty nasty and interrupted Rudy G. repeatedly. There's not many people who can argue effectively with Mark Levin.
  9. Harley Rouda (D) a congressman from CA, stated a few minutes ago on Fox News that Trump violated his oath by his dealings with Zerensky. He added that he's been pressing for months for an impeachment inquiry over this. She might just as well change the procedure to the only vote that counts is hers.
  10. It seems like the dems replaced their weapons with a new shipment infected with pyrenees desease.
  11. Pelosi, knowing that impeachment was impossible under the old rules, changed the rules to allow defamation of Trump's character disguised as a normal and lawful procedure. She's trying to get the benefit of impeachment while protecting her membership from having to cast a vote on it. The sleaze oozes from her.
  12. That be me. Thanks for further describing what we should do. It has been my contention and it was stated here years ago (by me) that we should use our vast natural resources to influence other countries. This was brought up before fracking vastly increased and sped up our ability to do so. We are in the catbird's seat and should use it.
  13. All your screen names are confusing to my classmates. I think at recess I'll get them all together and tell them just to make it simple, they should think of you as Sybil.
  14. No problem. Some of us think you might be 50% right about 40% of the time. Others think you are right about as often as the sky is blue in Buffalo or the grass is green in Fresno. I give you more credit than that and proclaim to the world that you are right more than John Adams/Ben Franklin/Beginners Mind, HAHA Gator and 3rd Chair combined.
  15. I'm sorry, I can't hear you. Sounds like you said your name was Scooby. Can you come down here towards the center of the courtroom, you know where the wide aisle is so I can hear you? BTW, how much did the Nigerian Prince want to give you that entry level job paying hundreds of thousands a year?
  16. Those boys need blackface to pull thatshit off. Hearsay is valuable to an investigator. I don't think anyone here disputes that. Hearsay doesn't amount toshit in court. Maybe you need one of those hearing amplifiers so you can hear what's going on way down there in the 3rd chair.
  17. If a tree falls in the forest and HAHA Gator doesn't hear it, does he still make a laughing sound?
  18. neontaster @neontaster You get impeached! And you get impeached! And you get impeached! https://twitter.com/ewarren/status/1177746454347177984 …
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