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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Go ahead, you can answer for me. I didn't go to "Collage" after all.
  2. No, Hillary is not an active member of anything. She auditioned for Bernie in the remake but couldn't make it to the weekend.
  3. Have you ever wondered why you only got to sit in the 3rd chair once? Maybe the last page or so here could give you a clue.
  4. You could do this board a great favor if you photoshopped a brain on to HAHA Gator.
  5. Yes, it's hard to believe that's Biden...…………..he isn't fondling anyone.
  6. I get a message that the account you linked to was suspended.
  7. Reconcile the above statement with your oft used claim when Obama was caught in a lie, that everyone does it. If I was sure you had any balls I'd claim they were in a vise here.
  8. That's just a horseshit statement, Sybil. WTF kind of lawyer are you? Where did you get that idea? My take on you so far is that you're just another Michael Avenatti, without his personality and his scruples. Please tell us how it is fake. Explain the telltale signs. We know you are an expert on fake things, so please enlighten us.
  9. From your link: SDN ymarsakar • 3 hours ago Sure thing,. All you have to do is this: ANY reparations is a Bill of Attainder, and therefore unconstitutional. Change my mind. Because there is NO ONE alive in the US today who's ever owned slaves. There's NO ONE alive in the US today who's ever BEEN a slave on American territory. Blood guilt is un-American. And so are you, you puffed up sack of owl *****. Except for the horrendous practice of human trafficking for sex and/or work. Slavery is out there, just not in the open. Instead of chains these people are secured by drug addiction and fear of reprisals on their family.
  10. Give it up. You are ignorant of the facts but make up a narrative that is basically the opposite of the truth. Time after time after time the Left accuses the Right of doing what they themselves are guilty of. HAHA Gator, you, yourself spout crap that is fed to you by a dishonest duo of Lefties and Media. You don't investigate anything yourself but rely on others to tell you what to think. You post stuff here and supply a link that often can't be opened. When it can be opened it is found that you have cherry picked the information in order to spread lies. I challenge you to take an honest look at yourself and determine if you have any reason to be proud of the way you post here. Be honest to yourself. It'll be like taking a long hot shower.
  11. While the people of Hong Kong yearn for their city/state to be more like the USA, the Left in the USA yearn to be more like Hong Kong's overseer. It's a "Republic, if you can keep it" was credited to the real Ben Franklin back in 1787 at the Constitutional Convention. It seems like we have a vast amount of people here who want to just give it away, while people in other places are willing to die for what we have.
  12. Today's Left is the epitome of disingenuousness. Their ideas don't work and they have to lie to get any traction with them whatsoever.
  13. Spreading democracy, one Clinton or Clinton crony at a time.
  14. If not for stories like this where do you think the next Al Sharpton will come from?
  15. There are some good points in that article. Every time a guys takes a leak he's going to use at least 8 times as much water to flush. He may resent this new bs so much that he refuses to raise the seat and causes some pissed off men and woman who need to sit. $200M--need I say more?
  16. But Hillary won the popular vote and the Bills had more yards than the ***** *****.
  17. Normally I'd ask you to flip for the Whack-a-Mole but I've got to prepare for an appointment. He's all yours.
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